I can slightly forgive that sort of thing moreso in Morrowind's environment. Vvardenfell is a dangerous frontier province, and you would expect only the strong to survive. People seldom run away from you in Morrowind - I always liked how picking up a fork in a tavern meant that even the most decrepit looking old woman could pull out a steel claymore and hack you to pieces. A very romanticized, DnD esque atmosphere.
That was fun.

The Nords are known for being warriors, and the provinces of Skyrim always fought, so you'd expect people there would be similar.
When you miss in Morrowind, it's because you're awful with a weapon, and the other character is at least a mediocre fighter, and can move out of the way. Two warriors can dodge eachother's attacks. In fact most real-life sword fighting involves dodging attacks, when not in heavy armour.
Morrowind RARELY misses. On average, from level 1-20, I'll miss, perhaps, 5-10% percent of the time. People are over dramatic. If you have long blade as your only fighting skill, and you're using a spear, you deserve to miss, you're just a complete idiot. To put it quite honestly harsh.
The reason there where no animations, is because of technical limits. If Morrowind's system where to be implemented again, I doubt they'd leave it out. It's just like the reason there was no advanced AI, or advanced physics.
I've played Morrowind, it's not like I don't know where you're coming from. However, if you're good at using a shortsword, you'd probably have some skill with daggers. If you used claymores, a switch to a longsword wouldn't be a huge jump.
I understand the technical limits though, it'd probably make the enemies come to life if they dodged a bit more, which if I remember correctly, they did more in Fallout 3, and they also took cover when you used ranged things, ran from bombs, and would call others to help them, unlike in Oblivion. Fallout was too focused on the action though, if you walked around in the wilderness you'd be assaulted constantly and it was all bombs, guns, and explosions. And the environment was kinda depressing...