folks, this game might be great and even better than fallout 3. but the absolut most of you who land here are facing problems. some might be minor, the most seem to be more serious! altogether there are many, many people who bought this game, gave Bethesda and Obsidian their money but are not able to play the game how it is supposed to be played. hundreds of bugs, crashes. freezes, even killed savegames or suddenly disappearing stuff from the imventory show that the game was not tested well and therefore wasnt ready to be sold! herewith I want to call the mods (or whoever is responsible for this forum) to contact bethesda/obsidian to tell them about the enormous number of bugs this game has and how many people are facing serious problems with this buggy mess and to ask for a patch that REALLY takes care of all that (and it wont help bringing out the patch in june 2011.....). WE are the people deciding if we will buy more stuff from those developers and WE can show our aggravation and call for a quick solution!!!
thanx for you time!