My final crysis 2 montage. :)

Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:14 am

Yo guys, please lemme know what you think cause the effects were also played around during the video so yeah, lemme know. :) Also make sure your annotations are on to know when to skip a part. :)
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:21 am

When it comes to stuff like gameplay montages and even AMV's (anime music videos) I tend to get really critical, sorry I can't help it >_< so please don't take anything I say in a bad way.

1) Seizure-style white (or black) back-to-back rapid flashing = bad. It serves no purpose and is simply painful to watch, especially on monitors where people have their brightness/contrast high. You can use them as a cop-out method to make the video seem in sync with the song (i.e. making it flash with the music beat)...but I still consider it cheap/overdone editing, it only breaks the experience.

2) Any effects that happen DURING gameplay footage = I close the video. The #1 priority is you showing us your gameplay, and when people watch you play they will automatically fill themselves in your shoes and see it as themselves playing the game - and then some crazy flashing/warping effect happens and literally slaps us out of the experience, along with making it annoying to follow what you're actually doing.

Since it was a trailer and supposed to be crammed-full of editing effects I guess it's alright.

Just remember that most enjoyable part of the video (and what everyone is focusing on) is watching you PLAY, getting streaks, being awesome - so let us watch you PLAY and treat special effects as a last resort! When you're creating the video and going over the same scenes over and over again it's easy to think "jee this is boring, I'll throw in some effects" - DON'T, because for everyone else it'll be their first time watching your footage which is interesting enough as it is.

See 4GEN7's montage as a solid example of using editing responsibly:

> Gameplay footage was left completely unedited
> Whatever few edits exist are left to the transitions, which are soft and gradual (no seizure-style rapid flashing), gently easing us from scene to scene
> Most of the transitions don't even have editing, they're just expertly-timed to keep up with the rapid pace of the music and gameplay

And of course, the kills syncing with the song was the icing on his cake (doesn't mean everyone has to do it though).
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