Alot of the locations you discover, are useless. A campsite, or den or what ever. Nothing is there. All it can be is a fast travel location and that's it, so there is actually less locations than Fallout 3. Alot of empty space. Too much empty space. Maybe it's the same in Fallout 3, but at least in Fallout 3, with the sky scrappers and ruins make it seem full. Yes I know it was alot of empty space as well, but at least I felt closed in a few times. Also I am hating those damn killer butterflies. If I am not suppose to go somewhere, those damn killer butterflies stop you, so you have no choice in you are on the console, that you have to go else where. If on PC I guess, God Mode will get you buy.
Yes there are graphic glitches, (I am on the 360), yes there are bugs, and I overlooked this. Yes there is lots of empty space, and lots of useless locations as well. What does it for me, is those blasted invisible walls. That just ruined the game for me, that I stopped playing the game for a week. Then I played again, loved it, but hit another invisible wall. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
I guess I just needed to vent a bit. So I am curious, for those who love the game, what pisses you off, or what do you hate about Fallout: New Vegas.
And a request. Please Bethesda no more Invisible Walls in any game you or you let anyone else make please. All Invisible walls do is make you guys look like you do not know what you are doing. I love your games. I love what Obsidian has done as well, but just some things make both you guys look so amatureish. I expected better from you guys.
I don't like the invisible walls either. It's funny I was talking to my sister-in-law over Thanksgiving and she loves FONV, but she mentioned she hated the invisible walls.
I also don''t care for all the useless places that have markers on the map. It's like they are there only to make it look like there are more places on the map. That's it. Or as you described, a place to fast travel too.
This doesn't piss me off, but what bothers me is the NPCs in FONV. They get bunched up together and crash into each other and they don't talk to each other. It's like they don't even know the other one is there unless it's something scripted specifically for your character to hear or see. I remember overhearing all kinds of conversations between NPCs in FO3. Sometimes useful and sometimes not, sometimes just humorous. Either way, it lent a "real community" feel to certain areas in FO3 populated by people. They actually talk to each other and not just your character. The NPCs in FONV seem like robots. But I think the designers/writers put more effort into the NPC's dialog with your character rather than with the NPCs talking to each other. Still it feels odd to me that they don't communicate with each other. Just a little realistic detail that I miss.
To be fair there are some things I like about FONV, which I've already mentioned several times in other threads, so I won't do it again here.