You forgot the 20% bleedthrough rate, you didn't take in the effects of Laser Commander & Camarader-E, and you didn't factor in the devastating critical hits of the Tri-Beam. You've nailed it much better in your OP

20% bleedthrough only happens if you don't manage to deal more than 20% of your original damage.
MFCs can be found on Fiends, who are not exactly uncommon. They can be bought as dirt cheap bulk ammo, too. .45-70 can only be found on high level Legion or NCR folk, so you have to rely on vendors much more.
And only Fiends. .45-70 can be found in bulk at the Hoover Dam, the Great Khan Armorer and....I know I'm forgetting somebody.

(Oh right, Contreras)
But it's not even an issue of how common it is but rather the demand for the ammo. If you were to visit the Great Khan Armorer, Contreras and the Hoover Dam, you'd probably find ~2000+ .45-70 Gov't bullets. If you visited the Great Khan Armorer, Hoover Dam, Cliff Briscoe and West Side Pawn Shop, you'd find probably 1500 Microfusion cells. If you wanted, you could convert other energy weapon types into Microfusioncells and get 2000+. But the problem is the Medicine Stick uses one bullet per shot, most energy weapons do not. Even if you found 3000 MFCs (which you'd absolutely struggle to carry as that's 300 pounds before Pack Rat), you'd only have 1000 shots. If you combine those to Optimized (which as I said, you DEFINITELY want), then you only have ~333 shots for your Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. If you have 3000 .45-70 Gov't bullets, that's something you can carry if you
truly want to (195 pounds) and 3000 = 3000.
Your calculations are not correct. A sneak crit does double the damage of a normal critical hit, so it would be 312, 244, and 256. Other than some opponents in the Deathclaw alpha range, more than enough to kill everything else in one shot.
No, my calculations are correct. The reason Sneak attack damage wasn't included is because that's a x2 damage multiplier that occurs AFTER you factor in your opponent's resistances. There's no point in including that multiplier because it effects them all and because that fails to factor in the enemy's defenses, which will reduce the initial number. As an example, earlier I mentioned 15 DT dropping the Medicine Stick down to 141 and the Tri Beam tumbles down to 77; well there you go, that DEFINITELY matters. Suddenly the Tri-Beam isn't going to be able to one shot, even after some x2 multipliers. And again, all three beams connecting is another factor to worry about; a single beam missing means a third of the damage is gone.
Comparing a DPS weapon with one that has its strength in damage per shot just to complain about how the DPS weapon can't keep up in DAM per shot doesn't lead anywhere. I also don't think DT works as implied by you. I think it is just substracted from the total attack damage, rather than applied on every pellet. If your assumption was true, a Riot Shotgun without Shotgun Surgeon would be less effective on a regular 10DT NCR trooper than a 9mm Pistol. and this is just not the way it goes in the game I also have *very* hard time believing in your claim, ammo effects would be calculated *after* DT was applied. This makes *no* sense at all. I killed the 25DT, 3000HP X-42 with my Tri-Beam, and it did not take me very long. There's a reason for that...
No no, my point was, would ANYONE use the 12.7mm Submachine gun if each round weighed .1 pounds? Hell no. And yet energy weapons function as though they were DPS weapons BUT their ammo DOES weigh .1 pound per cell. Hence, this is why people would rather use a 12.7mm submachine gun instead of a laser rifle.
And that's the damage formula.
The exact formula, off the top of my head, is:
(((Base damage + (Crit damage * crit amps)) * Enemy damage resistance) - (enemy damage threshold - Armor piercing rate)) * all other damage amplifiers (Cowboy, Laser Commander, Psycho, Lady Killer, Lord Death, Maximum charge or Hollow Point etc etc etc)
It makes sense that way too. If DT were subtracted at the end of the total, there'd be no purpose in ever using armor piercing rounds. For example, if what YOU said was true, then it'd be far more worth it to use hollow point bullets for the Medicine Stick at all times, because the x1.75 damage multiplier would be more powerful than DT multiplier; you'd always increase your damage to 136 (without a crit) and even if the enemy had a 15 damage threshold multiplied by three to 45, 136 - 45 is 91, which is STILL superior to the initial 78 damage. With my formula, that - 45 damage is absolutely devistating, because then it means my base damage is reduced to 33, and 33 x 1.75 is only 57 damage instead of the initial 78.
It's simply wiser to design the game with the formula I listed, because otherwise armor piercing rounds become worthless. And sure enough, that's the formula they used.
Lore-wise, isn't it possible to justify guns' relative efficiency over energy weapons by positing that because guns are easier and cheaper to use and hence much more popular, gun-making technology has progressed much more while energy weapons technology remain at basically pre-war levels? A suitable historical anolog might be the development of gunpowder weapons vs. bow-type weapons.
I always thought the same.
The Gun Runners are doing a wonderful job of reviving the guns of the old world, recovering ways to build them and perfect them. Energy weapons, on the other hand, only have a "terrorist group" that swears to attack anyone who tries to use them. Thus, gun technology is advancing whereas energy weapon technology is actually moving backwards.