So a while ago, after Lydia's death, i found Rorikstead and Erik. I traveled to Whiterun and gave him some awesome armor and weapons i crafted and bought for him. I was like lvl 10 and 2000 gold was half my money i spent on him. I went to do a Companions quest and a member replaced Erik, he said he'll go back home. I never found him again in Rorikstead, even several in-game days later. Practically an in-game month later, level 21 now, i found him at the tower where you fight the first scripted dragon.. He was just chilling, and said "it's been a while since i seen you, we should travel together soon".
But, i have Cosnach now, and he is a lot cooler.
F*** you, Erik, for wasting my damn time searching for you.
Who else has found a long lost follower?