It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down. I should have to actually talk to other npc's who may know of the place, maybe they can mark a good place to look for said place on a map, but no, the game with it's limited voice acting destroys all the research one would need to actually find such places. What happened to researching and looking for a certain npc who may have information which could help me on said journey? Instead the game marks everything just by a quick activation of a quest.
I do not like this too. But I think at this time it is nearly impossible to do it in a different way.
Think about it: They have the Radiant Quest System. And this time it seems to work (they had such a system in Daggerfall, but it was quite clumsy and unleveled (you were sent to a huge dungeon to kill an orc chieftain and had to fight through dedras - the poor orc died from shock when you found him). Now it seems to work much better. While it is still a bit repetitive, it integrates well. I think, in terms of game design it is the way to go for such games - but what about the voice acting everybody
must have today? Nobody would accept when such quest were given without voice acting. And therefore - the quest giver NPC cannot give you directions, except when they decided to record a ton of different instructions for all possible quest destinations - impossible and unnecessary I think.
I think, we will see more of this in the future, and I hope they will continue to work on it. Maybe speech synthesis will be good enough to use it for such thing, at this time synthetic speech is perfectly understandable - but it sounds synthetic. If this could be changed, this problem could be solved. I think games like Elder Scrolls series will win because it would be possible to simply write text and have it spoken in the game. (Main quest and important side quests will remain voice acted normally and will remain hand designed quests).
But as it is now, I do not think that you could do it differently. I also was angry about this system in Oblivion. I do not know why, but the same system exists in both Fallout games, and there it was somehow less visible. But you could still use it. Fallout 3 even had exact instructions sometime, and they were spoken. I think the Radiant system is the reason that they use it to such an extent. One of the first things I saw was, that quest were started with one sentence:
"I want you to finde me my XXXX"
The journal updates at this point with all the information you need, but I am unsure if this would be enough in all cases. Suppose you do not have the quest location on your map. There is nobody in the game, and no mechanism to help you find out where the location is, not even in which direction. This could be very frustrating - the world is very big if you try to find a certain location.
The only way for such open world games (and I love this sort of games) would be speech synthesis, this also would solve the problem for modders who want to design new quests. The question is, is it good enough to be usable yet? I do not think so or they would have used it.
For now we will have to live with the quest markers. Pity is, many players start to rely on it and think, they need it. Many would conmplain if the system disappears - but with new ways it could be truly optional. Not it is not optional, most of the time...