Finally had enough of Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:27 pm

It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down.

I hear alot of others come up with this same excuse for being upset with something in the game, I think it is really just B.S. Fact is I don't call having to earn my bribing guards for crimes in each hold under the Thieves Guild, unlike Morrowind and Oblivion where you just joined and it was automatic to pay off crimes for example. I know alot of people think it is such Taboo to have the guide. But if they read it, Skyrim is more complex then alot of us think it really happens to be. There are alot more options in the game then people realize still. Yeah I say there are some bugs and the UI could have been better. But the gameplay in itself is alot better then the blandness of Oblivion's day glo art deco world. Along with being so overly repeative with the gates.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:51 pm

He is the librarian of the "Mages Guild" essentially. I bet your
Local librarian can tell you where to find " Green Eggs and Ham"...?? . He also says I have heard rumors of blah blah blah ill mark it on your map. Keep them up and you will end up with some pretty awesome loot!!! All I'm sayin. Oh and don't forget this is just a game!
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:07 pm

Way to fan the flames of idiocy, bro. "Console players". Because everyone without a good PC is a moron, am I right?

I mean, common sense dictates that unless you're an ignorant tween begging for games from your parents, you'll build a gaming PC and flame-bait people on the internet who dare enjoy a good title on the aging children's toys they call consoles.

Morons? No, I never said that. There are morons in any community, whether it be in sports, video games or even in the scientific community,

Impatient? Perhaps.. the whole idea of console gaming is you can quickly get in a game without issue, go kill things, get bored , stop playing and then repeat. Am I right or am I wrong "bro" ?

Look at the the top AAA releases.. mostly all fast paced action games

Back on topic: Skyrim entire quest system is probably built around using the compass, I would even say that the developers expect us to use it.. Of course they would give you the option to turn it off. If they didn't, there would be a lot more rage than there is now. Most of these quest givers do not give directions on where to head towards. Now tell me exactly how you are going to find your way to that dungeon without any idea of where to go? You really can't unless you want to clear out every dungeon through the entire province of skyrim one by one.

just turning "off" the compass isn't really a valid option. They also have to account for the radiant story which provides random quest from killing bandit x or finding shield B. Those are the only type of quest that can actually benefit from this super, high tech, space satellite that Bethesda call a compass.

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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:02 pm

I was about to move the same topic. The quest compass makes the game a boring mindless experience - just following the arrow. Sure, it is possible to disable markers. It doesn't serve any purpose however, because quests in general aren't backed with very much information you can get any other way. No NPC dialogue to ask for directions, nothing. Would that be so hard to do? 'How do I get there?'. 'Head east by the road, pass the Dwemer ruin on the right...'. Made exploration and questing so more enjoyable in Morrowind. Now we get 'Do that, here's the marker to follow, I don't know nothing, don't ask.'.
I get a quest to find a person lost year ago. Then immediately I get a marker showing me the precise location of her corpse at the bottom of the lake - when I'm not even supposed to know if she's dead or alive. How does that make any sense?
Skyrim feels more like an elaborate shooter transferred - somehow - to a medieval world, than a RPG game. It's a shame.

There's a lot of bad points in the game - well, a lots of good too - but the mixed experience makes playing it really tiresome. I wonder if people hailing it do so for fear of admitting they've made a bad purchase. Or is it lack of standards and gaming experience perhaps?
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:20 am

Morrowind far out performs Skyrim in this area of the game it must be said. But I guess since the game is already out and it would be quite a task for Bethesda to record so many extra lines of dialogue for proper directions we will have to settle for giving ourselves reasons for "why" our characters know some location. Most often in the form of the NPC having told the player where it is.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:22 pm

So i am in the mages college at Winterhold, i talk to the orc librarian, he sends me on a quest to finds texts he is looking for for the library, i make the quest active and voila! the map marker points me directly to a point west of Riften, no research, no real quest, just tells me EXACTLY where to find said "rare" texts.

nuff said.

Just so you know, that guy gives you a location in a note.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:50 pm

Impatient? Perhaps.. the whole idea of console gaming is you can quickly get in a game without issue, go kill things, get bored , stop playing and then repeat. Am I right or am I wrong "bro" ?

Congratulations, now you are officially ignorant...

And I really tend to quetion people who claim how there's no exploration with quest markers. So how does one quest work this way. There's a quest, leading to somewhere on the other side of the map, I wasn't there before, so no Fast travel. What's this a lake, I have to find a way around MUST FOLLOW ARROW, SWIM TROUGH! What's this, a bear. Oh no, he's too strong, I have to find another way to sneak past him MUST FOLLOW ARROW, RUN PAST BEAR. Oh no, a mountainside, and I cannot climb it. I should find a path trough it, MUST FOLLOW ARROW, TCL.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:02 am

I can't believe this is the straw that broke your Khajiit's back... for me, it was the game being too freaking hard. Getting one-shot by an Ascended Conjurer when a dragon can't even kill me that fast? I think that wench could have killed a giant with one spell...
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:00 am

It's really all about how you decide to play the game.
I refuse to open up my journal and only use the irl map included with the game. <3
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:55 am

And I really tend to quetion people who claim how there's no exploration with quest markers. So how does one quest work this way. There's a quest, leading to somewhere on the other side of the map, I wasn't there before, so no Fast travel. What's this a lake, I have to find a way around MUST FOLLOW ARROW, SWIM TROUGH! What's this, a bear. Oh no, he's too strong, I have to find another way to sneak past him MUST FOLLOW ARROW, RUN PAST BEAR. Oh no, a mountainside, and I cannot climb it. I should find a path trough it, MUST FOLLOW ARROW, TCL.

Ah, reductio ad ridiculum, that's a cool argument.
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lacy lake
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 pm

Wait...You used an in game tool that helps you complete quests by pointing you to specific objectives and you're upset because it pointed you to specific objectives? I'm confused.

1. Have quests with detailed description like west of X, 400m north of Y, there is bottle of wine.
2. Have quests like Gimme wine -> pointer to bottle.

It was clear since OB that TES goes route 2. I like it that way, other people like it the other way. :)
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:08 pm


It is so ironic that everyone misses the same feature. A fully fledged journal that points you in the right direction instead of a compass marker.

I have to say many of the games quests are impossible to play without the compass at the moments, that's why me and a few of my friends are developing this: If you really think it is that important, you are fully welcome to help us get it finished ASAP!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:24 pm

Congratulations, now you are officially ignorant...

And I really tend to quetion people who claim how there's no exploration with quest markers. So how does one quest work this way. There's a quest, leading to somewhere on the other side of the map, I wasn't there before, so no Fast travel. What's this a lake, I have to find a way around MUST FOLLOW ARROW, SWIM TROUGH! What's this, a bear. Oh no, he's too strong, I have to find another way to sneak past him MUST FOLLOW ARROW, RUN PAST BEAR. Oh no, a mountainside, and I cannot climb it. I should find a path trough it, MUST FOLLOW ARROW, TCL.

You call me ignorant and yet you probably didn't even read your own post. You must fall into the "moron" category I was talking about.

good job.

I also never claimed there is no exploration. You like making stuff up in your little fantasy world of yours don't you?

1. Have quests with detailed description like west of X, 400m north of Y, there is bottle of wine.
2. Have quests like Gimme wine -> pointer to bottle.

It was clear since OB that TES goes route 2. I like it that way, other people like it the other way. :)

They could have combined the best of both worlds tbh. They could have done a vague compass direction that will not be sufficient enough to complete a quest on its own but will give you an idea of where to go supplemented with written directions or clues instead of the dead accurate laser gps system we are using right now.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:37 pm

Yeah, I got the same feeling.
They completly removed the "seek knowledge" like we had in Morrowind, where you needed to talk to another NPCs, read stuff and so on to understand AND localize your the dialogues are really poor, every [censored] NPC gives you the exactly location, some quests are IMPOSSIBLE to do without the Quest Markers on because the NPCs don't give enough information, they just say: "North of X" or "I'll mark on your map"...that's really immersion breaker, but what can we do? Bethesda aims the HURR DURR public, they want that more and more people buy the game, and that's not wrong but that doesn't mean we can't complain.

Hang on. In past games (yes I am including MW) the directions were often things like "The bandit cave to the West", or "Bring me the book about x" and nothing more. And they often said "I'll mark it on your map" too. There wasn't a hud pointer but there definitely were marks on maps made.

So if you ignore the pointer it becomes like a MW quest where you have to just search places randomly until you find the item.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:52 pm

I think his complaint is that there's no way to do it WITHOUT the map marker.
They didn't work in a way for those NOT using the map marker to track the book down. An issue with dynamic quests (whether you realize it or not, a lot of quests have ~13 locations that they might take place in) is that the NPCs themselves often don't name the location. This forces you to use the map marker. Quite upsetting if you planned on doing things Morrowind-style and relying on directions.

That's the whole point. Personally, I have no problem with quest markers, but I would prefer a way to find stuff on my own. But there's rarely any hints on where to go, so you either have to rely on the markers or simply search everywhere until you eventually stumble upon the place you had been sent to the week before.

The quest markers make sense when the quest giver knows the exact location and marks it on your map. For other instances, why not let him tell you the area the place should be in or maybe even give a big circle on the map. "It should be somewhere north of this and there." "I heard his camp is in the blabla forest."
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:24 pm

So i am in the mages college at Winterhold, i talk to the orc librarian, he sends me on a quest to finds texts he is looking for for the library, i make the quest active and voila! the map marker points me directly to a point west of Riften, no research, no real quest, just tells me EXACTLY where to find said "rare" texts.

nuff said.

I going to help you to get rid of those annoying quest markers. In your SkyrimPrefs in your 'My Document-My Games-Skyrim' look for this bShowQuestMarkers=1 and make that 1 to a 0 and you have no more annoying quest markers.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:43 pm

I going to help you to get rid of those annoying quest markers. In your SkyrimPrefs in your 'My Document-My Games-Skyrim' look for this bShowQuestMarkers=1 and make that 1 to a 0 and you have no more annoying quest markers.

Unless this change fixes the issue of missing content to go along with disabling markers, it's not relevant to the topic.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:22 pm

It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down. I should have to actually talk to other npc's who may know of the place, maybe they can mark a good place to look for said place on a map, but no, the game with it's limited voice acting destroys all the research one would need to actually find such places. What happened to researching and looking for a certain npc who may have information which could help me on said journey? Instead the game marks everything just by a quick activation of a quest.

I do not like this too. But I think at this time it is nearly impossible to do it in a different way.

Think about it: They have the Radiant Quest System. And this time it seems to work (they had such a system in Daggerfall, but it was quite clumsy and unleveled (you were sent to a huge dungeon to kill an orc chieftain and had to fight through dedras - the poor orc died from shock when you found him). Now it seems to work much better. While it is still a bit repetitive, it integrates well. I think, in terms of game design it is the way to go for such games - but what about the voice acting everybody must have today? Nobody would accept when such quest were given without voice acting. And therefore - the quest giver NPC cannot give you directions, except when they decided to record a ton of different instructions for all possible quest destinations - impossible and unnecessary I think.

I think, we will see more of this in the future, and I hope they will continue to work on it. Maybe speech synthesis will be good enough to use it for such thing, at this time synthetic speech is perfectly understandable - but it sounds synthetic. If this could be changed, this problem could be solved. I think games like Elder Scrolls series will win because it would be possible to simply write text and have it spoken in the game. (Main quest and important side quests will remain voice acted normally and will remain hand designed quests).

But as it is now, I do not think that you could do it differently. I also was angry about this system in Oblivion. I do not know why, but the same system exists in both Fallout games, and there it was somehow less visible. But you could still use it. Fallout 3 even had exact instructions sometime, and they were spoken. I think the Radiant system is the reason that they use it to such an extent. One of the first things I saw was, that quest were started with one sentence:
"I want you to finde me my XXXX"

The journal updates at this point with all the information you need, but I am unsure if this would be enough in all cases. Suppose you do not have the quest location on your map. There is nobody in the game, and no mechanism to help you find out where the location is, not even in which direction. This could be very frustrating - the world is very big if you try to find a certain location.

The only way for such open world games (and I love this sort of games) would be speech synthesis, this also would solve the problem for modders who want to design new quests. The question is, is it good enough to be usable yet? I do not think so or they would have used it.

For now we will have to live with the quest markers. Pity is, many players start to rely on it and think, they need it. Many would conmplain if the system disappears - but with new ways it could be truly optional. Not it is not optional, most of the time...
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:36 pm

Got a great example right now, from the Khajiit companion.
He gave me the quest to find a item for him, but he NEVER said where, just talked about some bandits attacking his caravan...and that's it!
In the journal, it says where I should go, but how the [censored] does it knows if the [censored] NPC never said a word about it? How the [censored] I would know if I had Quest Markers turned off? lol.

Oh come on, unless this is turned into a Nirn crime solving game where NPCs who saw the bandits tell you 'they went that way, ask people over there' and you follow the trail of witnesses, or actually seek them out since they should be off doing other things not just standing around waiting for you to ask. There is no way the cat should know where the bandits ran off to. Do you think he followed them?

They put that in the journal to make it playable if you want to go immediately and do that quest. Otherwise, to play it "realistically", you should just raid all bandit camps in the area until you find the right one.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:42 pm

Well if all the dungeons and so on were on the map with name you could get rid of quest markers, you then have tos earch the map for the right dungeon and go there.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:25 pm

What a waste of time this is!

Best game ever made and y'all moan that not everything is how you want it.

While you fight over something that will never be changed, wasting valuable time in your lives, us grateful people will be enjoying the best game ever created!


Ahhhh, the joy of owning a decent PC and the CK (touchwood). Uninformed troll fails.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:49 am

Oh come on, unless this is turned into a Nirn crime solving game where NPCs who saw the bandits tell you 'they went that way, ask people over there' and you follow the trail of witnesses, or actually seek them out since they should be off doing other things not just standing around waiting for you to ask. There is no way the cat should know where the bandits ran off to. Do you think he followed them?

They put that in the journal to make it playable if you want to go immediately and do that quest. Otherwise, to play it "realistically", you should just raid all bandit camps in the area until you find the right one.

Nope, to play it "realistically" he should give me some lead, atleast a place he knows that bandits were hiding, or even say for me to go to the nearest city and ask to the guards there about those bandits and see if they know something...but no, the location magically appears in the Journal.
Seriously, there's no sense in defending this, please don't can say they simplified it to make it easier for "NEW" players, but don't say I can make it more "realistically".
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Sunny Under
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:44 pm

Lol @ all these smartasses telling just to disable quest marker knowing that npc doesnt say a word about location where you have to do the quest,marker is only lead you have.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:46 pm

I have compass and all markers turned off and I do fine. You have the option. And no, I have not had any problems with finding enough info to do quests. There may be some, but people stating that everything is like that are overgeneralizing at best, and may not even be accurate at all at worst (based on my own experience, that is).
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:18 pm

People find just about anything to whine about these days
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