Finally had enough of Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:09 pm

Whenever I feel as if I'm being herded a little too much, I go off script and just forget about quests altogether. You can actually just go exploring with no goal in mind other than to see what's over the next hill. I've found some of the damndest places that way. You run into a lot of dragons that way too.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:45 am

People find just about anything to whine about these days

True, but is it always uncalled for?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:41 pm

I have compass and all markers turned off and I do fine. You have the option. And no, I have not had any problems with finding enough info to do quests. There may be some, but people stating that everything is like that are overgeneralizing at best, and may not even be accurate at all at worst (based on my own experience, that is).


Or just uncheck all quests and go hunting on your own. :shrug:
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:00 pm

This problem is a result of the removal of the journal. Why did they have to remove it? Stupid decision and only serves to make the game even more shallow.
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:33 pm

You know you can disable the HUD, and you can otherwise just ignore the marker and use your own wits?

It's like people complaining about fast travel being an option, they talk about it like it's some unavoidable choice.

Some people like the exploration factor, even if they end up taking 30 hours to figure out a quest all the way to its end, where to go and so on.

And some people prefer the convenience because they don't really want to spend 30 hours on just one quest.

Aren't options nice?

Especially when you could, you know, try not using some options because you'd prefer a different way?

I like you.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:53 pm

Why not make the compass opaque and use the clairvoyance spell?

That way you're using an in game mechanic to find it.

So now activating a quest means i get told exactly where to go for everything i need, and i am supposed to think this is ok and normal?! Am i going insane? lol.

You're only activating it for the purposes of the map markers.

You can complete quests without the actual quest being selected active. Just read the description as to what you need to do next.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:40 pm

Wait...You used an in game tool that helps you complete quests by pointing you to specific objectives and you're upset because it pointed you to specific objectives? I'm confused.

In Morrowind rather than having your hand held you were given directions through your journal and dialouge, these directions were sometimes pretty vague, and sometimes pretty accurate, but it was a nice way to mix things up and get some exploring done. In Skyrim you're very rarely presented with any directions at all, rather you have this ingame tool that points you to every goal and lets you fast travel there to boot. The only way of roleplaying around this is to use the clairvoyance spell, it's the only viable alternative to some quests, especially radiant story quests which give you no directions and occasionally no objective cell name at all!
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:41 pm

Lol @ all these smartasses telling just to disable quest marker knowing that npc doesnt say a word about location where you have to do the quest,marker is only lead you have.

Good job on missing all the clues they give you.

Many of them even mark the location on your map if you haven't heard of it yet nor have been there.

They tell you enough information, you're just missing it and not putting 2 and 2 together.

Just as a lot of others are failing to do in this thread.

You have my sympathies.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:15 pm

Nobody gives a [censored] if you're done with it. NOBODY!
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:41 am

I don't always use the quest markers, and sometimes I "accidentally" stumble upon the location for some of the dozens of quests I have, or even ones I haven't picked up yet. It's a nice feeling to accomplish something by accident, and takes the tedious "mailman" feeling out of the game's quests.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:51 am

That's disappointing. I really loved collecting all the dwemer related books for the Mage's guild in Morrowind, because you never knew where you were going to find them.

Not being able to find quest items is the whole reason I buy strategy guides. Even though there's the compass and fast travel I still bought the guide. There's also hundreds of online sites that offer me information as well and yet I still buy the guide. Why? Cause I hate spending hours looking for something that wont really further the story. So yeah...I love the in game help. It keeps me from having to grab the guide every thirty minutes or so.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:24 pm

Such first world problems.

Next complain will be you don't have to eat food to stay alive in the game, or take a dump to avoid exploding bowels.

There is realism and there is fun. Everyone have a different scale of it. Personally I think the quest system is fine. The focus of the quest is the dungeon, it is not so you can wander around the map for 5 hours looking for some obsecure location - possibly unsucessfully then look it up online. That is not fun, that is just chore - at least to me.

Even the treasure map series of quests you can do it by hand (e.g. find it on your own) or turn them into an NPC to get a marker.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:44 pm

I really hate this trend to just come to the forum and rage rage rage instead of just figuring out very simple things or fixes. I had only played the game 15 minutes and I figured out how to turn the quest hud off, is it just the new breed of RPG gamers? A.D.D.? Spoon fed?
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:26 pm

complainings are becoming more unreasonable and stupid by the minute :banghead:
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:47 pm

If i could turn off quest markers, and have a journal entries and npc's give me varying levels of information until i am able to come close to pinpointing a location of a "rare" or "undiscovered" place or item, then i freakin would! I don't want quests to randomly be finished cause i randomly stumbled across them at some time much later than i actually got the quest, there should be a slow progression towards the goal from the moment i get the quest. Maybe i need to visit other towns, talk to new people, put forth effort to get information on said quest. But if i turn off quest markers there is no in between content to keep me moving towards finishing the quest.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:36 am

There's undeniable quality that can be had in hand crafted quests where a designer can spin a tale and engage the player. The problem with doing that all of the time is that it is very labour intensive.

With the number of quests Skyrim has, having only hand crafted quests would mean having a small fraction of the number of quests that using dynamically generated quests allows. There's a trade-off.

The significant quests in Skyrim are excellently crafted and they stand up to anything else I've seen in TES. I understand the OP's concerns, but you can't point at the weakest of the weak within Skyrim and say it's an indication of overall quality. It's simply MORE than you've had before. Ignore the random quests and stick to the fleshed out ones if you want. Since you don't want to track your quests in the quest tracker anyways, you'll never know the difference.

Maybe an option to disable the auto-quests would be good.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:41 am

you know you can turn off quest markers by deselecting the quest
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:45 pm

Way to stand up for your country. You're obviously a clear example of an American who's not "lazy".

Put... how... did... your post get above emo's post? ... We have a future seer!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:47 pm

There's undeniable quality that can be had in hand crafted quests where a designer can spin a tale and engage the player. The problem with doing that all of the time is that it is very labour intensive.

With the number of quests Skyrim has, having only hand crafted quests would mean having a small fraction of the number of quests that using dynamically generated quests allows. There's a trade-off.

The significant quests in Skyrim are excellently crafted and they stand up to anything else I've seen in TES. I understand the OP's concerns, but you can't point at the weakest of the weak within Skyrim and say it's an indication of overall quality. It's simply MORE than you've had before. Ignore the random quests and stick to the fleshed out ones if you want. Since you don't want to track your quests in the quest tracker anyways, you'll never know the difference.

Maybe an option to disable the auto-quests would be good.

This is total BS, Morrowind had hand crafted quests, over 400 of them if i remember right, most with journal entries, and most with more dialogue than Skyrim could ever dream of having. Yes many of the quests were not as involved, but even so, i was more involved in them, because i had to actually figure them out on my own.

And people i am not saying Skyrim is a bad game, i think it is a good game, but my thread is one example of many to why i no longer feel the desire to play it.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:39 pm

If you want "realism" just pretend your map and compass have been imbued with clairvoyance. Problem solved...
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:47 pm

That is the problem, most of the people prefer or can't see the flaws Skyrim has, so when someone comes to the forum saying bad things about the game it is just a "complaining [censored]".
Skyrim is not perfect, it is by far the most unconnected TES to the series...Skyrim is a good game, but not a good RPG either a good TES.

You are wrong on more than one level.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:50 pm

Ah, reductio ad ridiculum, that's a cool argument.

Except he's exactly right.

A quest marker on your map and compass is no different than Morrowind giving you big yellow boxes on your map telling you where to go.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:04 pm

If i could turn off quest markers, and have a journal entries and npc's give me varying levels of information until i am able to come close to pinpointing a location of a "rare" or "undiscovered" place or item, then i freakin would! I don't want quests to randomly be finished cause i randomly stumbled across them at some time much later than i actually got the quest, there should be a slow progression towards the goal from the moment i get the quest. Maybe i need to visit other towns, talk to new people, put forth effort to get information on said quest. But if i turn off quest markers there is no in between content to keep me moving towards finishing the quest.

There are plenty of quests that do that exact thing, and plenty of quests that compass markers give you no indication of how you actually need to complete the quest.

Your argument is wrong, plain and simple. There is plenty of complexity in quests in this game. They removed the tedium of not knowing where to find a quest location, and actually implemented puzzles and other obstacles that you must overcome.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:25 pm

True, but is it always uncalled for?

Yes, this guy can simply NOT use the helpful HUD and map markers. I personally like the dialogue and hints you get. I actually bothered to read the Story of the Red Eagle to get info on the sword and the secrets there and didn't just use the map, even though the map told me where to go if I wanted. You can also NOT activate the quest and there won't be a marker on the map.

This guy is just a whiner imho =)
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Symone Velez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:25 am

Yeah, I got the same feeling.
They completly removed the "seek knowledge" like we had in Morrowind, where you needed to talk to another NPCs, read stuff and so on to understand AND localize your the dialogues are really poor, every [censored] NPC gives you the exactly location, some quests are IMPOSSIBLE to do without the Quest Markers on because the NPCs don't give enough information, they just say: "North of X" or "I'll mark on your map"...that's really immersion breaker, but what can we do? Bethesda aims the HURR DURR public, they want that more and more people buy the game, and that's not wrong but that doesn't mean we can't complain.

Yes, it's TOTALLY "immersion breaking" to point something out on your map. Ya know, when you pull up to a guy asking where is the post office, and you have a map of the town, he will point to where it is.
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