There's undeniable quality that can be had in hand crafted quests where a designer can spin a tale and engage the player. The problem with doing that all of the time is that it is very labour intensive.
With the number of quests Skyrim has, having only hand crafted quests would mean having a small fraction of the number of quests that using dynamically generated quests allows. There's a trade-off.
The significant quests in Skyrim are excellently crafted and they stand up to anything else I've seen in TES. I understand the OP's concerns, but you can't point at the weakest of the weak within Skyrim and say it's an indication of overall quality. It's simply MORE than you've had before. Ignore the random quests and stick to the fleshed out ones if you want. Since you don't want to track your quests in the quest tracker anyways, you'll never know the difference.
Maybe an option to disable the auto-quests would be good.
This is total BS, Morrowind had hand crafted quests, over 400 of them if i remember right, most with journal entries, and most with more dialogue than Skyrim could ever dream of having. Yes many of the quests were not as involved, but even so, i was more involved in them, because i had to actually figure them out on my own.
And people i am not saying Skyrim is a bad game, i think it is a good game, but my thread is one example of many to why i no longer feel the desire to play it.