It was meant more as a joke, referring to a certain arch-mage who gave a certain quest that was one of the most open-ended quests in Morrowind and exactly as the OP described as he'd prefer having a quest.
One that does not even start with the slightest clue, no pointer to anything, and you didn't know you were onto the answer to the quest until you picked up a few specific things that could easily have been missed or overlooked in terms of their importance.
The only other quest that trumped that in vagueness was Goldbrand, especially if taken to the level of Eltonbrand. And it started off with the only time that M'aiq the Liar was perfectly ironic in contrast to his name.
I'm going to just ignore this thread, OP says he doesn't want a marker to point to the quest, he wants to find it his own way without the game paving the way and being pointer dog to the destination BUT he wants the game to point out to him which NPCs to talk to to find out more about the quest?
You're wanting it both ways and the more you go on, the more absurd it sounds to me. You want it both ways, but you don't want it either way. Good work!
The game WAS designed to turn off quest markers, otherwise, why would you even have to turn them on?
This isn't logic error, this is total logic meltdown.
Holy christ.