Finally had enough of Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:48 pm

So i am in the mages college at Winterhold, i talk to the orc librarian, he sends me on a quest to finds texts he is looking for for the library, i make the quest active and voila! the map marker points me directly to a point west of Riften, no research, no real quest, just tells me EXACTLY where to find said "rare" texts.

nuff said.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:45 pm

Wait...You used an in game tool that helps you complete quests by pointing you to specific objectives and you're upset because it pointed you to specific objectives? I'm confused.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:11 pm

But that's the whole game. How did it take you this long to realise it?
Everyone has an "ancient, possibly non-existent, home to long dead ancient horror and mythical power" that they're able to locate on the map between the corner shop and cabbage patch.
It's as mythical as WoW's questing now: "the stars are aligned, Saturn is rising, the dead are walking - kill everyone in the hole near Riften thanks, and I'll give you two hundred gold to cover the costs alright? No insurance I'm afraid."
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:00 pm

That's disappointing. I really loved collecting all the dwemer related books for the Mage's guild in Morrowind, because you never knew where you were going to find them.
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John Moore
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:23 pm

That would be because he just told you where to find the books... You've still got to fight your way through a dungeon.

you get bits of information important to the storyline but as Americans (I'm one too) your lazy and just skip over the dialogue...

Way to stand up for your country. You're obviously a clear example of an American who's not "lazy".
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:06 am

The orc knew where they were... you missed the entire convorsation about that guy stealing them and bringing them there with his mage friends... this is why you actually listen/read the convorsations... you get bits of information important to the storyline but as Americans (I'm one too) your lazy and just skip over the dialogue...
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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:56 pm

You know you can disable the HUD, and you can otherwise just ignore the marker and use your own wits?

It's like people complaining about fast travel being an option, they talk about it like it's some unavoidable choice.

Some people like the exploration factor, even if they end up taking 30 hours to figure out a quest all the way to its end, where to go and so on.

And some people prefer the convenience because they don't really want to spend 30 hours on just one quest.

Aren't options nice?

Especially when you could, you know, try not using some options because you'd prefer a different way?
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:59 pm

Like the poster said before, why use the ingame map if you wanted the "magical" experience if trying to figure it out on your own?
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:55 pm

Because, you know, it's not like you can TURN OFF the quest tracking. That'd just be too easy. Instead, let's just remove the whole thing.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:38 pm

Especially since it's so easy to enable/disable active quests this time around. Me, I never have fewer than 3 quest arrows on my compass at one time :3
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:30 pm

Then don't use map markers and find out yourself? Duh. There is an easy and hard way for everything. Get over it.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:07 am

I think his complaint is that there's no way to do it WITHOUT the map marker.
They didn't work in a way for those NOT using the map marker to track the book down. An issue with dynamic quests (whether you realize it or not, a lot of quests have ~13 locations that they might take place in) is that the NPCs themselves often don't name the location. This forces you to use the map marker. Quite upsetting if you planned on doing things Morrowind-style and relying on directions.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:36 pm

Hold on, why would you even activate the quest if you didn't want to have the marker pointing to it? Just so you could complain about it even being there?

You don't HAVE to activate the quest, because that's what it does: Gives you a marker and points the way for you, simplifying the process.

I can even incorporate it into my roleplaying by just treating as a meta-cue for me, while my character in-game already knows and the marker is just for me as the player controlling him.

Really, you didn't want the game pointing out where exactly it was for you to find you turned on the quest marker anyway?

How many times did you put your hand on a hot stove before you learned not to put your hands on a hot stove, by the way?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:14 pm

Open skyrimPrefs.ini change bShowCompass=1 to 0.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:18 am

It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down. I should have to actually talk to other npc's who may know of the place, maybe they can mark a good place to look for said place on a map, but no, the game with it's limited voice acting destroys all the research one would need to actually find such places. What happened to researching and looking for a certain npc who may have information which could help me on said journey? Instead the game marks everything just by a quick activation of a quest.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:02 am

Hold on, why would you even activate the quest if you didn't want to have the marker pointing to it? Just so you could complain about it even being there?

You don't HAVE to activate the quest, because that's what it does: Gives you a marker and points the way for you, simplifying the process.

I can even incorporate it into my roleplaying by just treating as a meta-cue for me, while my character in-game already knows and the marker is just for me as the player controlling him.

Really, you didn't want the game pointing out where exactly it was for you to find you turned on the quest marker anyway?

How many times did you put your hand on a hot stove before you learned not to put your hands on a hot stove, by the way?

Again, what's the alternative option?
There is no alternative. There's no trail of clues, no description by the NPC (like "a cave on the southern side of the Throat of the World"), no nothing. "Dynamic" quests that switch the target location mean the NPCs rarely give descriptions of the area you need to go to, or even name it for that matter. Without the map marker, it could be called "impossible" because you'd end up exploring every single unmarked location on your map, taking every single book or sword or whatever the quest item was.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:36 pm

I think his complaint is that there's no way to do it WITHOUT the map marker.
They didn't work in a way for those NOT using the map marker to track the book down. An issue with dynamic quests (whether you realize it or not, a lot of quests have ~13 locations that they might take place in) is that the NPCs themselves often don't name the location. This forces you to use the map marker. Quite upsetting if you planned on doing things Morrowind-style and relying on directions.

Really? Because so far for me, everyone pretty much spells out where I need to go without having to use the marker. I just use the quest marker function so that I don't spend five minutes scrolling all over the map to find the location because I can't remember where every individual cave or mine or barrow is located.

That's always been the quest-giving format: Go do/find/kill "X" at location "Y" then come back with item "Z."

I've yet to find an NPC who just says "Oh it was at some cave somewhere way in the west, I think it was by a tree or something." The only time I get vague directions is when I have to read some note or book to get clues to where I'm supposed to go next or what I'm supposed to be doing.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:15 pm

It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down. I should have to actually talk to other npc's who may know of the place, maybe they can mark a good place to look for said place on a map, but no, the game with it's limited voice acting destroys all the research one would need to actually find such places. What happened to researching and looking for a certain npc who may have information which could help me on said journey? Instead the game marks everything just by a quick activation of a quest.

IIRC, this game has more voice actors than any previous TES title. I haven't done many quests, but the ones I have done, talking to people gave me options for them to tell me where the objective is. Considering you missed this option with that ogre fella, is it possible you've been missing more of the options as well?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:23 pm

I feel your pain. Voice acting and dynamic quest systems don't go well together.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:42 pm

Really? Because so far for me, everyone pretty much spells out where I need to go without having to use the marker. I just use the quest marker function so that I don't spend five minutes scrolling all over the map to find the location because I can't remember where every individual cave or mine or barrow is located.

That's always been the quest-giving format: Go do/find/kill "X" at location "Y" then come back with item "Z."

I've yet to find an NPC who just says "Oh it was at some cave somewhere way in the west, I think it was by a tree or something." The only time I get vague directions is when I have to read some note or book to get clues to where I'm supposed to go next or what I'm supposed to be doing.

Try the Redguard who lost his family sword in Whiterun. Pretty sure the orc he named is another example of this. I'm not 100% sure that they don't name them, but I do know the quest locations are dynamic, and I don't think all of them give a description.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:11 am

So i am in the mages college at Winterhold, i talk to the orc librarian, he sends me on a quest to finds texts he is looking for for the library, i make the quest active and voila! the map marker points me directly to a point west of Riften, no research, no real quest, just tells me EXACTLY where to find said "rare" texts.

nuff said.

That's a "radient story" quest. There's three kinds I've noticed, the minor side quest given by minor characters that randomly assign a criteria-meeting dungeon you haven't explored yet to place a go-fetch item at the end in a clues, no searching, no voice acting...just point and go. The other kind is exactly the same only instead they're repeatable and assigned by Stewards and Innkeepers. The last seems to be faction specific quests that assign random criteria beyond just dungeon crawling (i.e. thieves guild).

Exactly like Daggerfall. It's funny how Bethesda hypes it as new technology when it's essentially the same basic formula used in a game nearly 2 decades old.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:33 pm

Then don't use the quest marker? That is what it's for. It's like being upset that your watch is telling you exactly what time it is.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:17 pm

Open skyrimPrefs.ini change bShowCompass=1 to 0.

^^^ This. I turned all my markers and my compass off. The only time something shows up on the map is when I find it.

And let me tell you, it's not the carousel ride of realism you might thing it is. Nothing like wandering around for an hour and a half, trying to find some place, then give up and get on the wiki and find out you're way the hell off in the other direction. And some of the radient quests come with instructions like: "Kill the Bandit Leader in Dead Horse Cave" or something like that. And that's it. You're scratching your head and thinking, "Where in Skyrim is this place?"

Skyrim's a really, really big map when you don't have compasses and quest markers. Seriously. Not for the impatient or faint-hearted.

Edit: Fast thread, this one.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:27 pm

Again, what's the alternative option?
There is no alternative. There's no trail of clues, no description by the NPC (like "a cave on the southern side of the Throat of the World"), no nothing. "Dynamic" quests that switch the target location mean the NPCs rarely give descriptions of the area you need to go to, or even name it for that matter. Without the map marker, it could be called "impossible" because you'd end up exploring every single unmarked location on your map, taking every single book or sword or whatever the quest item was.

Okay, I'll give you one.

Find out why the Dwarves disappeared.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:00 am

It's not just about that one quest, the entire game is so watered down. I should have to actually talk to other npc's who may know of the place, maybe they can mark a good place to look for said place on a map, but no, the game with it's limited voice acting destroys all the research one would need to actually find such places. What happened to researching and looking for a certain npc who may have information which could help me on said journey? Instead the game marks everything just by a quick activation of a quest.

Yeah, I got the same feeling.
They completly removed the "seek knowledge" like we had in Morrowind, where you needed to talk to another NPCs, read stuff and so on to understand AND localize your the dialogues are really poor, every [censored] NPC gives you the exactly location, some quests are IMPOSSIBLE to do without the Quest Markers on because the NPCs don't give enough information, they just say: "North of X" or "I'll mark on your map"...that's really immersion breaker, but what can we do? Bethesda aims the HURR DURR public, they want that more and more people buy the game, and that's not wrong but that doesn't mean we can't complain.
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