Finally at long last a stable game but .....

Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:26 am

Finally I have a stable game thank god but I have this little feeling in the back of my mind that the s**t will hit the fan and my game will go back to the near constant crashing to desktop it used to do before I took some annoying/extreme counter measures.
I reformatted my laptop 3 times back to back, bought another windows 7 , and anointed it ( my laptop) with holy oil, re-downloaded skyrim and over a thousand mods ( I threw the hard disk containing the original mods out a three story window in a fit of rage) and then spent a great deal of time deciding what mods i could do without and finally now have a game where i can play for hours on end without a single crash.
But here is the thing in the back of my mind after about 30+ hours I'm still worried that something will go wrong and that i will go into the constant crashing to desktop that had become so normal to me so here is my load order please look at it and tell if some thing is wrong or out of place, Also i want to add the following mods but i want your opinions all of you !!!
By the way here is the link i used to make the holy oil some ingredients were subsituted or simply ignored i'll leave it to you to guess which

And without any further ado the current sairafian load order
Active Mod Files:

The mods I want to add are the following :

1) Better Docks

2) Raven Rock Expanded

3) Inconsequential Npcs

4) Better Vampires

5) Werewolf Mastery

6) Solitude Dock District

7) Spellcrafting for Skyrim

8) Showracemenu Alternative

9) Skill book Overhaul

10) Hunting in Skyrim No perks

And yes If I install Better Docks I will most certainly include all applicable patches

If you have any suggestions about mods or anything else please don't hesitate to say anything I'm generally very even tempered even something of a gentle giant at 6 feet and 300 pounds. I'm well aware that I am severely overweight but I have been so since I was 11 so i won't mind some ribbing as long as it's good natured.

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Emma Louise Adams
Posts: 3527
Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:15 pm

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