What is an attractive Orc?
What is an attractive Orc?
do you know of a mod to make the orc females to not walk like men? lol
The problem is they only have 3 hairstyles pretty much, and they all loookkkk terrrrrrrible.....
There are a few animation mods that handle that, just stay away from anything involving FNIS however wonderful the uniqueness it can provide it's incredibly complicated and can potentially cause many, many problems
EDIT: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34960//?, that's one I use
I don't think orc's can look anything but ugly. (Just imo)
I think Borgakh the Steel Heart is attractive.
My orc character married her.
Not surprised to see that many consider orcs to be ugly and unattractive, I can understand it but not feel the same way.
I find orcs in Skyrim to be quite aesthetically pleasing and many are beautiful and attractive to me.
IDK.. Your best bet is to search the Nexus. There are some out there that alter the female animation to be more of a runway model, but that's a little too much. There are others, like Run and Jump, or whatever, but it doesn't address ti issue you are talking about.
I went through the CK nad changed all of the females in the game to use the female animation, by unchecking the ' Opposite Gender Animation" box in the traits tab of the NPC edit window.
Gonna have to disagree with you on this my man. That chick is unattractive. Give her some different hair and maybe, but with those ugly dredlocks like the vampire twins from the Matrix she is not sixy.
Before I opened this thread I thought "Well, sure anyone can make anyone attractive with mods on the PC" but after opening your pic, still she's unattractive. I have a better looking Orc chick that I made on the xbox.
currently giving this one a go. Just will have to disable it when using a male, lol.
Gonna have to disagree with you on this my man. That chick is unattractive. Give her some different hair and maybe, but with those ugly dredlocks like the vampire twins from the Matrix she is not sixy.
Before I opened this thread I thought "Well, sure anyone can make anyone attractive with mods on the PC" but after opening your pic, still she's unattractive. I have a better looking Orc chick that I made on the xbox.
Ill put another up in a min, trying to get her to stop walking like a man....
The more I go into this game, the more I think it doesn't need these fancy mods.
I somehow feel the same. To me Orcs, Khajiits, Argonian and Dunmer are in keeping with the ES world in this game. There is no question of beauty or ugliness; they are just as they should be.
i THINK THIS IS much better....yessir.
Orcs ain't supposed to look attractive, you have the human or mer races for that (if you're into that kinda thing ) Imo Orcs are supposed to look savage and rugged, the women more so. But that's just me.
I'd tap that. Looks much better than before, but for some reason, the hair still looks kinda goofy.
I know! All the hair styles look all proper, thats the messiest one i could find!
Now the question is light....or heavy armor......
Never thought I'd see an Orc with pig tails the face looks good though.
I know, i meant the less ugly ones, like Altmer.
The first one looked like a proper Orc at least.
This one just killed it man. From the hair, to the hair color...