Thread 1
So keep the orc love going! Orcs have not had enough love!
Thread 1
So keep the orc love going! Orcs have not had enough love!
Why did you have to make anouther thread about this, your first thread is still on the first page?
Its at post limit.
Some new Armor!
Eating Dinner
The mods generally shut down threads once they pass 200 posts.
It's hitting the post limit, and probably will be closed very soon.
Anywho, that orsimer on the aMidianBorn Book of Silence mod that was linked, I'd also like to say should be here. For those of you who don't know which orsimer I am referring to, here are some screenies of her,,
RE-SPECT, she looks FABULOUS! A little TOO pretty for my tastes, but she looks amazing!
Just set the FOV really low in the console
you can set it by typing in "fov #" without the quotations and using whatever value you want for the #. That shot was probably taken at 20 or 30.
I like the hair color. The previous one was over-the-top.
Hair style is nice too.
It's the dargon slayer's hair style in Witcher 2. I also see a lot of things from Witcher 2 brought over to Skyrim, a lot of which still manages to work.
They are a lot better than the crazy anime hairstles. They fit the environment in Skyrim a lot more.
Yeah CDProjekt is pretty cool to allow their assets to be used by modders.
Yep, they are an awesome company! I really need to get the witcher 2 for PC since i played it on xbox but it is so much better on pc.
Anyway, back on topic. =P
I need a PC, someone send me their own!
I have 2 years of payments now cuz of this thing, but its worth it if you can manage the payments.
Another of Rokza Spelunking with Lydia.
She's got a good face, and definitely keeps the brutish and hardy look of an orsimer right there. Now bash some more faces!
I love it!
Now stay away my husband, Moth gro-Bagol.