Finally made myself finish the campaign... (spoilers)

Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:08 pm

So I need to know something because I must have missed it. Remember in Crysis 2 at the very beginning? Who put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger? Well, why am I playing and finishing the game as him in the sequel? What did I miss because this makes absolutely no sense at all. And the reason I said I had to MAKE shmyself finish it is because I found it extremely annoying compared to C1 & C2. Felt like I was forced to go all.stealth all the time & use the bow because the gunplay just wasnt as fun as the last 2. Also, did they take out being able to shoot over cover from C2? Couldnt figure out how to do it. Everyone says the campaign is short but for me it just seemed to.drag on and on. A couple of levels before the end it seems like it will be over then another level loads. Couldnt wait for it to be over & thats unlike me. Just the restrictive level design, annoying voice acting and plot holes made me not really enjoy it at all. So again, what did I miss? Why am I playing as someone who offed themselves at the beginning of the last game? Where is Alcatraz?
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Joanne Crump
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