I married on females every character I made.
Today My character Shellygorath married Vilkas.
I have a picture I am trying to upload but minus wont work.
Vilkas? Meh. Granted none of the men in Skyrim really seem to stand out personality wise to me. None of the marriageable ones, anyway. The last one I married was Ghorbash the Iron-Hand, who's only lasting personality trait that I can remember was "is an orc."
They really stacked the deck for female personalities, IMO.
Should've married Hevnoraak.
Poor taste for a daughter of a Mad-God.
I've only made two female characters that actually married. One married Farkas (despite him being an icebrain) but later left him for Ulfric Stormcloak (yes married him thanks to a mod)
One of my other characters married Gorbash the Iron Handed or what ever his name is. She was an Orc as well so it seemed fitting.
I married the smith at Thirsk once, but got over that when he didn't offer Chitin/Stalhrim at my house.
In case of interest, Whiterun's Ulfberth Cuddle-Bear is on the market again. What was that honey? It was bad!
It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! I mean, I didn't do it to play Pumbaa in the forge ha. Hasta la vista, baby!
Nobody wants to marry tullius
Poor old Imperial
Probably because his only attractive quality is his voice actor.
Do you save edit yourself or do you ask someone to do it for you?
I've never had a character marry a member of their own six. I can't roleplay gay. My three married characters chose Balimund, Marcurio, and Mjoll.
I haven't... yet. For some reason I actually feel like having my two-legged tank Sword n' Board Nord that I just made be a "Confirmed Bachelor," I'm not entirely sure why, and I doubt I'll find a fellow man-Nord with enough personality to warrant it, but we'll see!
If I had a chick, I'd marry Farkas. Ideally, I'd marry Ralof if I could. But alas. But I don't play as women anyway. I also find it weird for rpers to marry women so often as a woman. I understand why as a heterosixual man and we don't need to go into why they do it, but the rper in me wouldn't allow my thoughts on the matter get in the way of it.
I married a Dunmer to a Dunmer. What's the big deal?
I find "immersion" tends to hit a speed-bump in this regard quite often, yes. One's ability to "disconnect" enough into an alternative life and reality seems to stop abruptly at male players playing female characters taking male romance options.
That's a psychological study and a half just asking to be had, but those threads don't tend to end well.
Yea I hear you, lol. That it is. When you think about it it's a bit of a conundrum. For a man to roleplay as a woman and choose a male romance option, you have to disconnect from the character and roleplay it from their perspective. But the whole point of roleplaying is to connect with the character and get in their head almost. Maybe there lies the problem.
Maybe subconsciously thats why I don't play as women, even though I say I'd marry a man as one. To avoid the issue altogether.
My Redguard shares what was once his Markarth Mancave with his shield-brother Vorstag (who hangs out at the tavern a lot too) and his housecarl Argis. But from what I understand about mancaves, I think they're more traditionally associated with straight guys than gay ones. And in any case, it's not a mancave anymore. It might have kind've still been one when he adopted Alesan, but adopting Sofie pretty much de-mancaveified it.
i would it would be nice to tell him to cook me dinner an stay at home an look after the kids while i go out an massacre every last imperial i see then when i get home ill lock him back in his cage the imperial pig.
an my characters tend to marry women even the women.
mainly cause all the men are boring as hell an just cause im not home alot dont mean im leaving lucia home alone with a boring [censored] fart for a dad
Damn, Vilkas looks rather cool in that, even if it is a bit big on him, lol. Your character looks like too much woman for him to handle, though. Lol. Farkas could handle that though.
Not gonna lie, but if I just glance at it, it looks like it could have been taken from an S&M pride parade or something. The vambraces look like shackles on Vilkas and the fact that the Savior's Hide looks like a corset with fringe on females, yeah.
Welcome to the club?
All my female characters marry males in Skyrim. Don't buy the males lacking in personality spin, they have as much as any as the female marriage candidates once you've gotten the visit to the Temple of Mara out of the way.