After having to play oblivion for years on the lowest settings and not being able to play OOO because it was too hard on my system, I finally got an upgrade.
*Does Happy Dance*
I got a HD 4670 1GB RAM for dirt cheap and finally saw oblivion at some decent visuals, and I want MORE!

Hi, c_lbnc.
I was as extatic as you with GTX 240 (1GB too) till I was told it svcks.
Why? They bot belong to the so called low-end cards. They both are inferior to the good old GTX 8800 768MB.
So, my solution: Upgraded to GTX 260 (1.8GB) - middle end card.
For really good things you should go ATI 5870, or GTX 295 or SLI.
Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich men's world... said ABBA and were right.
However, your card will be able to almost max it. Insted of QTP3, I would go to combination between:
1. Bomret's Normal Maps - texture replacer without any FPS hit. + Bomret's cave textures + all addons by Bomret.
2. Corepc's Vibrant Texture (all of them- safe and cool) fully compatible with Bomret's
3. InsanitySorrow's Enhanced Normal Maps for armors (all vanilla armors covered)
4. Enhanced Vegetation Hi-Res (strongly recommend)
5. Book Jackets Hi-Res
6. Improved Signs
7. Improved Ship Textures
8. Better Cities
9. Enhanced Water 2.0 HDMI variant
10. From the options of the Oblivion Launcher choose HDR
11. From the ingame menu - options - video change details for water to max - turn on all refraction options
12. Improved Vegetables and Meat
13. Beaming Sunglare
14. Better Horse Eyes
15. Automatic Windows Lighting
16 Better Cities.
17. Anything from Unique Landscapes
18. Kafiei's Better Amulet Replacer and Better Ring Replacer