*possible spoiler's*
Because of this bug i was forced to side with the NCR as i couldnt complete Yes Man's quest in which i visit the various factions, since i cant access the western world map that leave's the Great Khans unaccessible. So i go to Hoover Dam and start For the Republic quest and guess what the first thing i have to do is? go and see the Great Khans!
So i cant finish a questline, half the locations i have left to explore i cannot go anywhere near them or the game will crash, anymore hard resets and the xbox will surely RRoD -.-
Today i tried to trade it in for CoD:BO, my reasoning was i could get the game for a fiver and then maybe get F:NV back for Xmas or wait until GOTY edition but it was sold out.... Iv'e been well and truly shafted..hard!