Fallout 2 had just as much ridiculousness, so trust me, it wouldnt bother me.
I never saw it to be honest.
I know a lot o people say that Fallout 2 had way too over the top lulz but I never saw that much really.
Maybe I just didn't get the references.
But come on, this is a DLC, and it has from the trailer, roboscorpions, brain bots that act like comic book characters, a skeleton in a space suit, a tranquility lane without the gray tint, a mini securitron that wants mugs, a toaster that wants to dominate the world, light switches which make sixual innuendos, a TRON suit, more robodogs and blue neon crap all over the place.
And that's from a DLC's content, if we compare size wise it'd be like one town from FO2, maybe Klamath, with that many 'over the top lulz'.
And like I said, I never saw "that" much over the top lulz in Fallout 2, so from my perspective, no, Fallout 2 did not have that much ridiculousness, and if it did it was more subtle with it while OWB is more 'in your face' with it.