» Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:41 am
Obviously, it is possible that Skyrim will be delayed, there's always a chance that it simply can't be ready before the release date, it's hardly unheard-of. But there's certainly no guarentee it will happen. Developers don't give out release dates with the intention of failing to meet them, it's just that sometimes, they can't finish the game when they thought they could, but only time will tell if Skyrim will be one of those times.
If it does get delayed, though, I doubt they'll try to go with another clever date like 11.11.11, I can't imagine Bethesda would delay it for a full year, they probably want to get the game out as quickly as is feasible and, if it must be delayed, won't push the release back for more than is necessary to ensure it's ready for release.