OOC: Sorry, this one’s kinda long, hope it’s not annoying

Burd knew his request was unusual, especially coming from a non-guild member like himself. The Argonian mage looked at him for a moment; he couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed.
They’re so bloody hard to read, he thought. Finally, she nodded and directed him to a small round table, in the center of which was a clear glass ball about the size of a graqefruit.
“Do you have an item valuable to your wife?” She rasped.
Burd dug the small lock of wavy blond hair out of his pocket and handed it to the mage, to which she cocked a scaly eye ridge curiously. He smiled at her expression, partly because that was one he
could read. “She loves her hair; spends half the day on it if she can.”
Deetsan shook her head, her fin-rings jingling softly, as she took the keepsake from him. “Humans,” she muttered around a toothy grin. She sat in a wooden chair on one side of the table and motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite her. “Take my hands so I can direct your magicka,” she said, wiggling her fingers at him; he did so. “Look into the ball and try to visualize her.” He followed the mages instructions as she closed her eyes and started to hum eerily, her snout slightly elevated. He could feel his energy slipping through his fingers as cloudy shapes began to materialize in the crystal ball, and then the swirling mists vanished and it was like he was looking through a window into his own home.
Yvara was sitting up in bed reading a book by candlelight. He could see the title clearly and he smirked, saying it aloud, “The Real Barenziah, huh?”
She nearly fell out of bed, at first surprised at the sudden disembodied voice. She turned in his direction quickly, a scowl punctuating her intelligent Breton features. “About bloody time!” She scolded, “I should have the mages there cook you alive for not scrying me sooner.”
“Love you too, dear,” he beamed.
Her features softened and she smiled in return, twisting in the bed and drawing her knees up into her arms like a child. “Sooo… how was the meeting? How are the councilors doing? I’m
dying to know what happened! Oooo!” Her emerald-green eyes widened suddenly, “What was Councilor Lyssa wearing?! I simply
must know what the latest fashion in the Imperial City is for the Countess’ trip next month.”
It was Burd’s turn to scowl now, though playfully, “I wasn’t paying attention to their clothing, woman!” He boomed in a deeper-than-usual voice, and then more seriously, “The meeting was all business, I’m afraid, very grave business.”
Yvara’s brow creased with worry which was also suddenly evident in her voice, “What happened, darling?”
Burd relayed the events of the day to her soberly. Finally finished, he said the last words of his speech slowly and quietly, “This mission is going to be dangerous… to say the least… if I don’t come back from this… I want you to know how much I love you.” He cast his eyes into a corner of the bedroom, making sure not to break his gaze with the crystal ball, and thereby lose the image.
She smiled, though her brow was still furrowed, “Of course I know that, darling.” Then she frowned, a stern note cutting her voice, “But what’s this rot about not coming back?
Of course you’ll return, and victorious at that.” She scoffed haughtily, looking down her nose at him, pride twinkling in her eyes, “The Countess will have to add another inscription to the plaque adorning your statue.”
He laughed then, loud and hearty, holding one hand to his belly but keeping the other in Deetsan’s to keep his magicka linked. “Yes dear,” he said with mock resignation.
Her face brightened into a smile once more, “Now you’d better go before this scrying gets too expensive, we aren’t made of money, you know.”
Burd raised an eyebrow, and smirked, “It just so happens we are, my dear. Did you forget that your husband is the Hero of Bruma?” his smile faded. Even saying the words jokingly left a bad taste in his mouth.
She tilted her head to the side, still smiling, her expression saying
oh, it’s not so bad. “Don’t forget to scry me when you get to the next town with a guild, darling. I’ll keep my crystal ball with me all the time so I don’t miss it.”
Burd sighed, “Yes dear, love you. Good night.”
Yvara blew a kiss and waved as her image began to fade, "Give my best to Lady Zaire, darling. Good luck and hurry home soon!"
Deetsan lowered her gaze to him when he let go of her hands, “Ninety seven drakes,” She said matter-of-factly.
“Highway robbery,” Burd replied.
Deetsan shrugged, “Long distance connection, but I gave you a discount because you’re the
Hero of Bruma.”
Burd scowled at her as he rummaged in his pocket for his coin purse.
OOC: Burd might head for the tavern next, if anyone is going out on the town. Otherwise it can be assumed that he won’t be interacting with anyone til morning… if that’s alright.