We are FULL. There is currently no room for more players.
"Find A New Emperor"
"But can we cast him back into Oblivion?"
Martin looked at her, the one who was only known as Zaire, and she felt her stomach burn with nausea at the defeat etched across his face.
"I don't see how," he said, and the nausea rose. "Mortal weapons may hurt him, but now that he is physically here in Tamriel? they can't destroy him. There is no hope, Zaire?"
"All is lost, then..." Tears of futility bloomed; she lowered her eyes from his. But upon his chest, the amulet gleamed brighter, as if the dragonfires themselves burned within.
She looked up, hope filling her eyes. "The Amulet of Kings," she asked hoarsely. "What about that?"
Martin's brow knitted together and he bit his lip in that familiar expression of concentration. "No, it wasn't intended as a weapon, but? wait. The divine power of Akatosh, we could-," his eyes suddenly burned into Zaire's. "Our last hope," he said slowly as the Imperial City burned around them. "You must get me to the Temple of the One, to the Dragonfires?"
A defiant gleam lit Zaire's eyes, and the snarky words left her lips before she could hold them back. "I thought you said there was no hope?"
"I know what I said!" Martin snapped, and Zaire recoiled. Had he ever shown a temper before? He gazed at her, and she was suddenly fixed in place. "You'll just have to trust me," he said softly. "I know what I was born to do." And then something changed, in his posture or bearing; he seemed taller, older. "Take me to the Temple of the One," he said, and suddenly he was Emperor Martin Septim, not Martin, priest and friend.
There was a sense of something ending now. But also something beginning. So you're to be our Emperor? she thought, studying him for a moment. This new future lingered in the air before her; waiting to be realised. She bowed her head. "Yes, your Imperial Majesty." It was a sombre moment, and Martin looked taken aback by the sobriety and sincerity of her words. They gazed at each other.
Then she unceremoniously grabbed his wrist and dragged him after her while their guards engaged in battle with the daedra. A dremora loomed, she yanked his wrist, pulling him downwards and along, beneath the sword of the daedra even as a Legionnaire ran up to smite it with a massive claymore.
"Hey!" he protested as she shoved him into the enclave between two buildings as a horde of Clannfear trotted past. She hunkered down into the shadows and pulled an arrow from the quiver at her hip, knocking it to her bow, but they ran straight past.
She slung her bow back over her back and dragged Martin out of enclave, running flat out for the Temple of the One. She kicked a scamp in the head as it leapt joyously towards them, and spun Martin around to her back, and then kept going, dancing them out of the way of a Xivilai and into the Temple of the One. They hit a step, and both went sprawling across the floor.
Zaire rolled onto her stomach and pushed up off the floor, springing to her feet. There were no daedra in here; something must have kept them out.
With much effort, the slender Breton shoved the temple doors closed.
"Better to be safe than sorry!" she explained to Martin- Emperor Martin. A triumphant grin stretched across her face.
"Don't look so miserable?" she added, her own smile faltering. "We made it!"
Martin was silent. Zaire took a hesitant step closer. "Martin?" she asked worriedly.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I can't stay to rebuild Tamriel. That's for others? that's for you." Were those tears in his eyes? "You've been good to me, Zaire. A good friend."
There was a horrible thunder. Martin shoved her out of the way and she tumbled over an altar as Dagon tore off the dome of the Temple, his disgusting red face peering in, a tongue of fire licking around his lips.
From behind the altar, she could only stare as first the amulet and then Martin glowed with a pure golden light, growing brighter and brighter, larger and larger? and? and?
She gasped as the light shaped into a great golden dragon, beautiful and terrible and real. It flapped its wings threateningly as Mehrunes Dagon crashed in. The dragon trumpeted a challenge as Mehrunes reached his disgusting arms out for it. They grappled, stomping all around, and then Akatosh's great, toothy maw closed around Dagon's neck and the Daedra was consumed by his own hellfire, svcked back into Oblivion.
The dragon crowed triumphantly, a beautiful, wild and powerful sound, but to Zaire it was two fold, for she heard also the relieved shout of Martin.
She couldn't help but grin along with the dragon? it was done! But then the dragon paled and stoned, and only a statue remained. Zaire's heart dropped into her stomach.
An eerie voice filled the room, a voice that was part Martin, part Dragon.
"The Amulet is shattered. Dagon is defeated. With the Dragons Blood and the Amulet of Kings we have sealed the gates of Oblivion. Forever. The last of the Septims passes now into history. I go gladly, for I know my sacrifice is not in vain. I take my place with my father and my father's father. The third age has ended and a new age Dawns. When the next Elder Scroll is written you shall be its scribe. The shape of the future, the fate of the Empire, these things now belong to you."
Was it Akatosh who spoke now, or her own friend, Martin?
The doors opened with a crash; Ocato raced in. "He did it! He did it! The Emperor that boy will make! Dagon is gone! Gone!" His voice rose an octave in his joyful hysteria. "Where is he? Where's Martin."
Zaire didn't even look at the chancellor. "Gone." She croaked. Her lip trembled.
"Gone?" he repeated, a total fool. "What do you-?"
Zaire gestured wordlessly at the great statue, and understanding dawned. "Incredible? absolutely unbelievable? He died a true Emperor, with the Gods on his side?"
Zaire said nothing. She could not even bring herself to nod. "And you? you are a Champion? Champion of all Cyrodiil. We'll raise a statue in your likeness? you- you may wear the Imperial Dragon Armor. The celebrations that will be hosted in your name-!"
"No!" Zaire cut him off, her look was harsh. "This was not about me! I won't be your saviour, and I won't be your hero. I don't want to be remembered. I've done precious little for your Empire. Raise a nameless, faceless statue to me, already crumbling, but raise a grand one to Martin, the true hero. Donate the armour to the Imperial Archives. I don't like to stand out."
"-You can have a Champion," Zaire said firmly. There was a dead look in her eyes. "But it won't look like me."
Ocato nodded hesitantly. "-As you wish?" he said slowly. "But? Zaire?"
Ocato looked very nervous. "What do we do now? The Council? me? we're only stewards. Not Emperors. Troubled times- yes, very troubled times are ahead. What do we do now?"
Zaire rose to her feet, and brushed the rubble off her clothes. "Find a new Emperor."
And then she strode out of the Temple, leaving Ocato looking shocked.
Our Mission
It is 4E1 and the council are panicking about what to do. They have decided to stick with what they know, and Martin's half-brother, the closest living relative of the Emperor, will take Martin's place, despite the fact that he has no Septim blood. We know nothing about him, except his name, Corvus Vesemar, and that he was a soldier in the Imperial Legion in Vvardenfell.
It will be a long journey through Morrowind to find him, as the world is even bigger than it was in game, and we must be careful because civil war has broken out in Morrowind, and the dunmer are eager to free themselves of the imperial yoke, not to mention the many political powers invested in preventing Cyrodiil seating a new Emperor.
We begin in Castle Cheydinhal
Various people, distinguished by deed or skill in their various fields, are called to a meeting in Cheydinhal.
You can be whoever you want, but I am especially looking for the unlikely heroes, whether in temperament or skill, characters who are not just useful but will make the RP dynamic and interaction fun.
There are a few particular spaces I am looking to fill; in this RP, The Champion of Cyrodiil is only the Hero of Kvatch and the Imperial City, although she assisted in Bruma as well. Different people championed each of the other cities. There is also a new Gray Fox, and representatives of the other Provinces of the Empire can also have been "invited". You are allowed to play a character from the game if you so choose.
(Not all of these spaces need to be filled, I'll create NPCs for anything blank)
Martin's Brother: Corvus Vesamar (NPC)
Champion of Cyrodiil: Zaire (Illusionary Nothing)
Hero of Bruma: Captain Burd (Ghostpaw)
Hero of Chorrol: Tobrecan (PolishGamer)
Hero of Cheydinhal: Byran Dreugh-Winder (Polymorph-1)
Hero of Anvil: Sid Lucas (DarkNova50)
Hero of Skingrad: Don Leon Sisemo (FC4)
Hero of Bravil: Stranger from Afar (Jerod Kayne)
Hero of Leyawiin: Islyth-Eij (Chaos303030)
The Gray Fox: Fathis Ules (Darkom95)
Character Sheets:
I don't mind what template you use, but I require detailed sheets, and I am particularly interested in what factions your character is in, and their ranks.
A few Uber characters will be allowed, but I am mostly looking for characters that had to work hard to become heroes, and that aren't quite "legends" yet.
Also, keep your bio as brief and secret as you please; we'll discover the information in the RP if that's how you like it.

-PM all character sheets to me for approval before posting.
-No unnecessary ubering, no player killing or character controlling, and no randomly spawning armies or baddies unless run past the host first.
-Vampires and werewolves are allowed, but I don't want to see lots of them. (There'll be plenty of time for that later

-You can be somewhat on the dark side, but no outright villains unless you arrange it with me first.
-My word goes, and respect your fellow players.
-We're all learning together, whether this is your first RP or your 50th. Don't be afraid to listen to advice from others, or give it yourself.
-Only I can post the new thread.
-PM character sheets to me for approval before posting.
And have fun or I want to know why.
Race: Breton (Mostly)
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birthsign: The Tower
Thieves' Guild- Shadowfoot
Mages' Guild- Associate
Dark Brotherhood- Assassin (Ex)
Class: Rogue
Skills: Crow is a subtle creature. She is agile, her steps light and quick, able to nimbly pick her way across any terrain, an excellent balancer, scrambler and struggler. However, one could hardly call her an acrobat- she has an almost debilitating fear of heights, and she's not one much for flips and fancy acts. Her talents with the written and spoken word are unparalleled in beauty and content, although she is not one for public speeches- her gifts are on a much more personal level. While distinctly unmagical, Crow is exceptionally sensitive to magicks of all kinds, and her knowledge of the arcane arts is phenomenal for one who does not practice them- a working knowledge of enchantment greatly increases her understanding.
Her hands are not particularly dextrous, although she does have something of a knack with locks and mechanisms of all kinds, and she is an excellent student of culture and language. Crow's brand of stealth is ultimate; you cannot see her, you cannot trace her, spell her, or even judge her actions and character. She is truly an agent, truly a master of the unseen, as she is not held back by dependence on equipment, nor crippled by a magical aura.
In combat- Crow is rarely in combat- Crow is a skilled Marksman. She is not the fastest of archers, and could not compete with the bosmer, who are raised into such things. But she is very precise in her shots, which can be worth the extra time she takes.
Physical Description: Crow's features, somewhat feline and quite soft, are very real. Her skin is smooth and pale. Her many smiles can warm hearts as well as enrage them. Her short, petite body is curved and full, while retaining a lithe agility. Crow's dull copper-brown hair, cut to her chin in length, curls around her face and can be quite unkept. Her owlish dark eyes are deep with intelligence and some inner-darkness. She wears no make-up, no facial paints or lotions, and she rarely dresses up. She usually moves as if each step was carefully considered, and with a quite gentle gait.
Mental Description: Crow is dangerously emotional, compassionate to a high degree with a very passionate nature. Somewhat Bi Polar, her mood-swings cause her great emotional upheaval, and her sensitivity to the emotions and moods of others can easily set her off. However, Crow is very much in control of herself, at least superficially. While an opportunist at most times, there is a calculating side to her nature and a perceptiveness that says that her chaos is by choice, not ignorance. Because she likes change and does not enjoy laying detailed plans in advance, Crow can be quite hard to follow- her lines of thought as well as simply tracking her. Many parts of her nature- particularly her own personal sense of humour- can be completely unfathomable, and being quite independent Crow does not take orders well so little can be imposed upon her. Intensely creative, sharply intelligent and fiercely independent with a somewhat unconventional idealism, Crow's rebellious nature and subtle skills make her a revolutionary just waiting for a cause.
Weapons:Crow fights most unarmed with aid of her whip- unable to cause real damage, but enough to extricate herself from the grasp of others. She has a thin silver spirit knife sheathed in her right boot, and can often be found with a carved wooden bow and silver arrows. She also wields a thick bullwhip, usually coiled at her side.
Clothing/Armour: Crow wears a dark blue shirt with a fitting leather bodice over the top. She wears brown leggings with tall fur boots. Her gauntlets are of belted leather, and act also as wrist and arm-guards, extending to her elbows but without fingertips. When she wants protection, she wears a long midnight blue coat lined with mithril, to turn away a dagger in the back.
-Crow is particularly resilient to diseases, and despite her small stature and seeming fragility, she can take a lot of pain.
-Has a way with animals.
-Crow doesn't drink, and can be quite disparaging of those who are drunk.
-Can be a little unnerving to speak to, and overly assertive and confrontational on occasion.
-Has a beautiful if untrained singing voice, but is an awful dancer.
-Is good at cultivating trust and good-will, but also good at stirring ill-feeling and inciting rebellion. Really good at controlling the atmosphere of small groups and individuals.
-An adept liar, although she avoids lying outright when she can.
-Devout follower of the Nine.
Short History: **SPOILERS** Don't read if you'd rather find out later.
Crow once went by the name of Zaire. She had a rough, if standard, childhood, and took to thieving young. However, her more subtle nature led her to the more refined field of information and intrigue- in short, espionage. Through a long and confusing life journey, she eventually ended up rescuing Martin in Kvatch and running errands for him to end the Oblivion Crisis, and the two of them became close friends.
She was devastated when he died, though she seemed to have taken it stoically enough, for she had few close friends and he had been the best of them. She returned to her home south of Bruma, and, when out helping the locals deal with a "bear" problem, was bitten by a werewolf. This led to a dark time in her life in which she cut her hair and became quite moody and oppressive, earning her the nickname 'Crow', which she readily took as her own.
And if you were here for spoilers, you'll have to wait, because that's all you need to know and I'll reveal the rest later!