You know...for the longest time, I could NOT find this Redguard women in Whiterun. I searched, what seemed everywhere! I basically gave up and just went on my adventures. Well, while I was raiding a cave of bandits and theives with Lydia, I decided to take a break and inspect one of the rooms I had just cleared. I started to read some books and then I came across this book called something along the lines of "Gentlemen's Guide to Whiterun" I think...Or "Something about Whiterun." Anyways, the book went into detail about the hospitality of the citizens in Whiterun. Then I came across a paragraph talking about one of the taverns and how the women there are basically beautiful [censored]s. The book mentioned a beaut redguard, and I instantly lighted up and praised praises to the Almighty that I could finally finish a Misc quest (since i'm a "completionist").
Pays off to read some books lying around