I didn't feel like there were less options than in any previous Fallout game. The options are just integrated more into the game (chosen by the actions you take or what you find/do in game) rather than being plastered obviously into selectable lists like in previous games. It does make it more difficult to plan a character build ahead of time though, unless you have the guide book and read through all of it (which ruins the game with spoilers). I think this was on purpose though. I think they want you to sort of muddle through the game and just end up with whatever character build you "fall into" for your initial play-through. Then once you get an idea of how to find perks and character options in the world, then you can seek specific things out on subsequent play-throughs to make focused "ultimate" character builds. That way you're experiencing what the devs wanted you to at least once before you go all weird with the character builds.
I was discussing this with someone on facebook who was complaining that the perks and character building options they liked were gone from this game and he was giving up on it because he was so disappointed. He hadn't made it past Diamond City, and was still around level 17. He was under the assumption that the perks were gone from the game because he couldn't see them on the perks chart. They're still there though... but now they're attached to unique armor or guns that you can seek out and use, or to missions you can seek out and complete. I think another reason for this was to help balance and prevent people from having too many perks at once and building an omnipotent character toward the end of the game.
I agree the voice acting limits the character a bit though, I would have preferred him voiceless or at least that they recorded more different voice options per gender. Maybe in the future voice mods will be an option.
They also should have made the dialog options more clear on the wheel. I want to know exactly what my guy is going to say, and not be surprised. I've become pretty good at using the new system but I was upset at the dialog system more than a few times.
Also the initial scenes of the game pretty much set the character up to be a good guy, ruling out any really evil character dialog options for the rest of the game, but I can't think of a way for them to have done that opening scene and set up for that plot while maintaining the option for the character to be anything worse than a sarcastic good guy. Maybe they should have gone with a completely different opening or plot... but I really liked the opening sequence and thought it was a great addition to the Fallout canon.