Hmm, I think... And offcourse just my oppinion...
I really enjoy that there is finally a voice to my character. Personally... I can abstract from the fact that the voice might not be exactly what I "expect" ... I have a much harder time of that with no voice.
I prefer a voice... So offcourse there's gonna be a compromise between number of options. I'm ok with that.
That said, a few more options, would have been great. Especially an option to, just push people / quest / questline, completely away.
I'm also not a big fan of the dialogue wheel as it works currently. First of all I find it flaky in activating, sometimes at a bad time, interfering with ordering companions around... and lastly and most importantly: It does not adequately describe what your options are (I really prefer a full transcription with... sarcasm, loving, endearing, angry something) and not least ... a real timeout to ponder what I want to say...