Finding gun runners arsenal and couriers stash?

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:07 pm

How do u think were gonna "find" the opcoming weapon dlc's? It's kinda obvious that they not just will pop up in your inventory, so that leads to the question - How are we going to find them? :mellow: It would be cool with some new location in the mojave, or maybe the weapon will be for sale at the gun runners? :teehee: I dunno, what do u think? :disco:
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Sara Lee
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:26 am

It will have to do with the 20 all new challenges in the mojave.You will probably be able to buy them from the gun runner booth.But the knowledge of making the ammo and certain weapons will be knowledge exchanged for a challenge.The couriers stash will be added in at the start.May have to pick which one,two, or all you want to start with.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:09 pm

It would be awesome if each weapon was a marked quest , only one can hope
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:22 pm

Well Sawyer said some were in the vendor lists others were added to the loot table and since they cover all tiers I think we will just be able to buy some of them others are likely related to the challenges GRA adds to the game, I don't see them just throwing you the Bozar for nothing.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:22 pm

I just hope that if the weapons are craftable, they give us a few more vendors.crimson caravan, and nellis vendors don't resupply.Alexander doesn't either.
People have mentioned someone in camp mccarran selling/buying items.The booth inside the airport concourse doesn't have anyone running it.Only can sell to the doctor.
The assassin squad killed a few I need somewhere to sell expensive items.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:52 pm

Has already been stated that they will be added to shops and loot tables. As well as we'll just have to go out and find them.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:10 pm

I just hope that if the weapons are craftable, they give us a few more vendors.crimson caravan, and nellis vendors don't resupply.Alexander doesn't either.
People have mentioned someone in camp mccarran selling/buying items.The booth inside the airport concourse doesn't have anyone running it.Only can sell to the doctor.
The assassin squad killed a few I need somewhere to sell expensive items.

It cannot be that difficult to head over to the Fallout Wikia. The man you are looking for a Sergeant Daniel Contreras. You were in the right area at the concourse, but you are supposed to go down one of the hallways(actually I think it is the only hallway there) and follow it to a door. That Door leads to the Camp McCarran Supply shack. In it is Contreras. Contreras has about 1000 .308 Rifle rounds, and 150 each of armor piercing and anti personnel. He also has that many for 12.7 mm, and several boxes of 5mm surplus, and some assault Carbines. This is of course assuming you get there at an average level.

Now onto more important matters; the items are going to be put into vendor lists, but this leads me to wonder which ones, and whether this ensures that some of the vendors finally cycle their gear, as Alexander cycled his gear Once for me. This kind of aggravates me: How could you hear all of the news about this DLC and not hear that they will be in vendor lists?
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:07 am

I hope I have to fight someone who's using the Bozar in order to get it.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:46 am

I hope I have to fight someone who's using the Bozar in order to get it.

I'd look forward to that lol, give you a real challenge. And then give them more health than Lanius and have full power armor!
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:19 am

Gun Runners Arsenal items are added to vendors.
Courier's Stash is added when the game/new game is loaded.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:30 am

I'd look forward to that lol, give you a real challenge. And then give them more health than Lanius and have full power armor!

For a Bozar? As much as I love that gun, that's incredibly overkill. Especially if it's going to be chambered in .223/5.56 like in Fallout 2. I'm one of the biggest advocates and general obsessive people when it came to the Bozar being introduced New Vegas, and have been for a while, but something like that--especially since I use mods that enhance the power of enemies (i.e. Project Nevada) that would literally make that encounter impossible--would just repel me from wanting my favorite weapon.

Hopefully they will be added to mostly vendor lists, with no extraneous challenges to get the weapons I desire. Maybe make them cost a lot. Now the challenges will be the most interesting if they have anything to do with the weapons and the ammunition being added. Hopefully most weapons in tiered lists will be added to high level vendors immediately if you are a high level though, with a high price tag of course.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:53 pm

For a Bozar? As much as I love that gun, that's incredibly overkill. Especially if it's going to be chambered in .223/5.56 like in Fallout 2. I'm one of the biggest advocates and general obsessive people when it came to the Bozar being introduced New Vegas, and have been for a while, but something like that--especially since I use mods that enhance the power of enemies (i.e. Project Nevada) that would literally make that encounter impossible--would just repel me from wanting my favorite weapon.

Hopefully they will be added to mostly vendor lists, with no extraneous challenges to get the weapons I desire. Maybe make them cost a lot. Now the challenges will be the most interesting if they have anything to do with the weapons and the ammunition being added. Hopefully most weapons in tiered lists will be added to high level vendors immediately if you are a high level though, with a high price tag of course.

J. E. Sawer said, they will be in the vendors. Some will cost more than others, so you should expect them to burn a hole in ya cap filled wallet! :flamethrower:
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Julie Ann
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:47 pm

We get the couriers stash stuff before we leave doc Mitchell house. That's obvious.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:21 pm

what 20 all new challenges?
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:15 am

thanks for the answers I found out myself
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