The timeline makes it sound like the declassification of FEV to the world put the world on edge. Somebody twitched. Really I like it being vague. Makes it a condemnation of humanity as a whole as opposed to any singular country/ideology. Any country in the world capable of blowing us all up. Because War...
Han clearly fired first.. It shouldn't be up for dispute
richardson, in FO2, tells pretty clearly that the chineses fired first.
Why would he lie? I think he is not lying, since on the next messages, he is pretty honest about the tortured fate of most vault dwellers.
Guess that is the closest to an answer we can get:
{216}{prs32}{We were winning, too. And then those damn launched everything they had. We barely got our birds up.}
{217}{}{Doesn't seem as though it helped us much.}
{218}{prs33}{Well, no it didn't. But at least it knocked the damn Red menace back into the stone age.}
{219}{}{And us with it.}
{220}{prs34}{Well, no. No... not quite. You see, we had planned ahead. We were ready. }
{221}{}{What do you mean?}
{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the - were part of the great plan.}
{223}{}{Those damn vaults didn't work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}
{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }
{225}{}{An experiment?}
{226}{prs36a}{The vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}
{227}{}{What about Vault 13? What was it's purpose?}
the concepts of mutual assured destruction was only realized ilate i,n the 1960 s in our own world and only after it was realized they had more weapons than needed to destroy each other
it is possible that concept was never created i the fallout universe , do not forget that untill the cuban missile crisis both side strategist thought a nuckear war could be won with acceptable losses
Honestly it was probably some 99 Luftballons [censored], people just saw sunlight reflecting off a cloud from an early warning satellite and thought the other side had shot off its missiles
(That actually almost happened in 1983)
Does this seriously even matter?
I guess the FO4 protagonist might care (seeing how what they personally lost), but I fail to see how placing definitive blame on any one side or person would change anything or even have any hopes of providing any "closure" since everyone involved with the button pressing is now (most likely) long dead? Also, it would still be a matter of trusting 200 year old records left by a VERY untrustworthy source.
Ya 200 years is a long time to wonder or blame someone........
But might be nice to meet a ghoul that CLAIMS they did it.
Indeed! It is one of those things that you really WANT to know, but you also realize as soon as you do, it would ruin your day. Because in your head it simply works better. Mystery is sometimes a quality for it self, if it's done well. See the Alien movies. The fact that you didn't knew what it really was, created a lot of the tension. Now? With certain explanations, it seems like a lot of the magic is gone. Or ... do I really have to say midi-chlorians? Not everything needs an explanation.
woow i still remember that sonng when it first came out in the rarly 80 s when the cold war was at its peak
atleast the world looked less complicated than now
i must be getting old
I like to believe it was the US who shot first because I'm Australian and I hate Americans
Yeah, but would Mad Max be a better franchise if you knew who caused WW3? It's just the setting. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I don't even find it that interesting to be honest. China? US? Maybe even Russia? Who cares. It adds to the mystery and it highlights the nature of humans. It's an irony if you think about it. They build and stockpilled all of those weapons for politics and they wanted to kill each other for an ideology but in the end no one even remembers who did what. It's forgotten.
I hope they don't reveal it at all and the SS have knowledge doesn't make sense for multiple reasons. I like my head canon based on real events. A USA bomber broke up over the USA and the nukes it was carrying detonated causing a chain reaction of attacks by both sides.
In 1961, a B-52 bomber carrying two nuclear bombs broke in half flying over North Carolina and dropped its payload. And, as Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara put it back then, "By the slightest margin of chance, literally the failure of two wires to cross, a nuclear explosion was averted."
Some drunk Ghoul somewhere.
"Yeah, Yeah I did the thing. That's right, all of this? It was me! Me!"
We will never know...
Logically since the US was conquering mainland China, a nuclear war was probably inevitable, but given how the Fallout World works it was probably due to a shadowy conspiracy or a total accident.
On the off chance that you are joking (and not just being a typical cyber-jerk speaking from the protection of anonymity), take this with the same context.
No doubt the world has plenty of reason to hate the US in general (some justified, some not), but hating the people that live here based on our government's past actions is as bigoted as me assuming you MUST be lowlife criminal offspring for being from Australia....see how that works?
I still think Vault-Tec firing the first warhead is the best fit for Fallout canon wise.