I have with no luck, just guards telling me to shut up. So I'm not sure if it's only certain towns.
I found one word on my own, one in a quest dungeon and the rest were from the beards.
It isn't just in towns. It's everywhere you travel. Say you find a cave and decide to explore it, in that cave you use a shout x number of times. After this a courier will come up to you when you return to a city. The letter will say " People were blah blah when you demonstrated your power in the super awesome cave"
There doesn't even need to be any humans for this to activate.
Example. I found a cave with only trolls in it. I used Aura Whisper a few times in the cave. When i returned to town the courier still handed me a letter anyway. In short, it can happen anywhere and happens A LOT. I've accumulated around ten or so of these letters, even getting more letters from the places where the letters have directed me to. Don't just stand in a town and shout, that won't work, explore and use your shouts as you normally would.