I started on an Elder Scrolls fan fiction called "Finding the Ayleids" over a year ago, but never finished. I've decided that, if I get a reply from Bethesda with their permission, I'm going to turn it into a fan game made in RPG Maker XP. If not, I'll continue on the story anyway, but I won't be making it into a fan game.
Anyways, here's what I have so far:
"What time is it?" Pelinal Whitestrake II asked groggily.
"It is midnight, my Lord," Pelinal's personal bodyguard, Drake, replied.
"What about the date? What day is it?!" Pelinal insisted.
Drake responded, "Today is Loredas, the 27th of Evening Star, 4th Era 2?Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"
"I'm afraid that we may all be in grave danger, Drake. We must try to stop him before he finds that item and destroys Nirn as we know it," Pelinal answered in a grave tone.
"Before who finds what item? What are you talking about, sire?" Drake inquired.
"I had a dream?no, not a dream, a premonition. It felt so real, Drake. I do not know who this man is, but he resides somewhere in Morrowind, and he has found out about the existence of an ancient Dwemer artifact which, if in the hands of the wrong person, could mean the end of us all. We must find this man and stop him before it's too late!" Pelinal exclaimed.
"This sounds rather urgent, sire. Did you see what this man looks like?" Drake questioned, intrigued.
The Emperor, now fully awake, answered with a simple "Yes". After several moments of silence, he continued, "When I first saw him, I did not know what race he was, but then I realized that he was a Dunmer. His skin was as dark as the night sky! I've never seen anything like it, Drake. There was something else unusual about him?his height. He must have been at least 7 feet tall, which is abnormal even by Dunmer standards.
"This Elf?this creature?there was an immense aura of power surrounding him, as if he were no mere mortal, but a God! I do not know how we are going to be able to stop him, Drake, but we must try! For if he finds that Dwemer artifact, not only will he change the face of Nirn forever, but he will become more powerful than even the Gods themselves! I do not know where exactly this artifact is hidden, but I do know that it is in one of the many Dwemer ruins of Morrowind, and it is only a matter of time before he finds out which one it is in."
"By the Nine Divines! We must find him before he finds that artifact! Shall I send for Baurus to get his men ready?" Drake asked, alarmed.
"No, the Blades are too valuable to spare. I do not know what we are going up against, so until I do, the Blades must remain here. For now, just send for Azzan of the Fighter's Guild to get his men ready. Make haste, for I do not know how much time we have," the Emperor said.
"Yes, my Lord. We will find this Dunmer before he gets to that artifact!" Drake exclaimed as he was running from the room.
"May the Nine protect us from the impending doom we are about to face," Pelinal prayed silently as he went back to sleep.
Two Years Earlier?
Pelinal Whitestrake II, although a far descendant of Pelinal Whitestrake, one of the heroes from the 1st Era 243 conquering of White Gold Tower in Cyrodiil, never imagined being in the position he was in now. Becoming Emperor of Tamriel was the last thing he thought would happen to him. When former Emperor, Uriel Septim VII was assassinated and his last remaining heir, Martin Septim, gave his life to defeat Mehrunes Dagon, Pelinal's life changed forever. Even though Pelinal did not know the Emperor personally, he served as an ambassador to the different provinces of Tamriel and proved invaluable in keeping the peace between them. After Martin Septim died, ending the Septim bloodline, the Elder Council met with the Blades to decide who would become the next Emperor of Tamriel.
After several long meetings between the Elder Council and the Blades, they finally came to a decision. The decision was to appoint Pelinal Whitestrake II, not only because of his service to the Empire, but also because of his natural ability to fight in times of war. Pelinal was immediately notified of their decision, and soon realized that being Emperor was more than he expected. Not only had the Oblivion crisis left the Imperial City in ruins, but several of the Oblivion gates had not closed correctly, which meant that there were still Daedra roaming across Cyrodiil, causing even more destruction to the province. As Emperor of Tamriel, Pelinal Whitestrake II decided that it would be best to send out some members of the Fighter's Guild to take care of these monsters as soon as possible.
The Fighter's Guild members that were sent out quickly dispatched of the remaining Daedra, and then went back to the Imperial City to help in the reconstruction efforts. Over the course of the next few weeks, they, along with the Mage's Guild, rebuilt the Imperial City to beyond its former beauty. Emperor Pelinal thanked them all for their hard work, and rewarded each guild with new equipment and a rather large sum of gold. He felt that this would ensure their loyalty to him and the Empire for many years to come. During the few weeks he had been Emperor, Pelinal had not only won over the hearts of the people of Cyrodiil, but he had also gained respect from the other provinces of Tamriel.
As Pelinal had no heirs to the throne, he often found himself pondering what would happen to the Empire if he were to die. Although there were many beautiful women who were willing to bear his children, Pelinal wanted something more. He wanted true love. As Emperor, however, he did not have time for true love. Since he could not afford the luxury of true love at this point in his life, Pelinal instead focused on the more important matters at hand.
Pelinal spent the next several months strengthening his position among the people and other provinces of Tamriel. During his travels amongst the provinces, Pelinal found what he had been wanting all along: true love. Since leaving the Imperial City on the 29th of Evening Star, 3rd Era 433, the newly elected Emperor had given up on looking for his true love. However, that all changed when he met Alessia six months later in the province of High Rock. On Fredas, the 1st of Midyear, 4th Era 1, two days before he was set to meet with Queen Elysana of Wayrest, Pelinal stopped by the house of his old friend, Argumu gro-Olug, in the nearby Orc City-State of Orsinium. Pelinal had met Argumu gro-Olug seven years earlier while travelling through the Wrothgarian Mountains.
Seven Years Earlier?
He had been on his way to Wayrest to speak to Queen Elysana about the politics of High Rock when his caravan was ambushed by a group of Orc Mercenaries. Argumu gro-Olug, one of the finest Orc Warriors in all of Tamriel, heard the commotion from the local tavern in Orsinium, The Drunken Orc, where he was having a large mug of ale. He quickly gulped down the rest of his drink and then ran outside, at which point he drew his Ebony Battleaxe and proceeded to run down the mountain to where the commotion was coming from. When Pelinal saw him running down the mountain with an angry snarl on his face, he thought that Argumu was just another Mercenary coming to join the others.
He figured that his life was coming to an end, but when he saw Argumu attack one of the Mercenaries that were about to kill him, Pelinal realized that this Orc wasn't there to hurt him, but wanted to help him. Argumu gro-Olug swiftly killed the Mercenary with two swipes of his mighty Battleaxe, then went on to dispatch of the remaining five. All but one of Pelinal's guards had already been slaughtered by the Orc Mercenaries, so he was grateful when this stranger came to help him. After he had killed all of the Mercenaries, the Orc stranger began to walk away, but Pelinal stopped him.
"Wait! I didn't get a chance to thank you!" Pelinal shouted after the Orc.
The stranger stopped in his tracks and said, "Thank me? You honor me, Imperial, but I have done nothing worthy of thanks."
"What do you speak of? You saved my life, and that of my last guard! For that, I am forever grateful," Pelinal replied.
"You Imperials are a strange race. Several of your people died today, but here you are thanking me? I could have prevented the loss of so many lives if I had not been drinking," the Orc said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
Pelinal responded, "Do not pin this on yourself, Orc. You have done a great thing today, and for that, not only am I grateful to you, but I am sure the Emperor will be too. Let me introduce myself. My name is Pelinal Whitestrake II, Ambassador to Emperor Uriel Septim VII of the Imperial City, Cyrodiil. The Empire is at your service, Orc. What is your name?"
"My name is Argumu gro-Olug, sir. I hail from the nearby City of the Pariah, Orsinium. The Mercenaries who attacked you were banished from the city several days ago after they called for a siege on the nearby city-state of Wayrest. I must apologize on behalf of my race. We are not the barbaric race history has portrayed us as."
"You have saved my life, Argumu gro-Olug. If there is anything I or the Empire can do for you, let me know. I am forever in debt to you," Pelinal offered.
"I will keep that in mind, Pelinal. If you ever need a place to stay, come find me, and I will gladly let you stay with me," Argumu replied gratefully.
"Likewise goes to you, friend. If you ever find yourself in the Imperial City, come see me. It would be nice to be around someone other than the political figures I'm used to being around. Speaking of which, I am visiting Queen Elysana of Wayrest to discuss the political affairs of this province, and I would be honored if you were to come with me. I think it would be better if you told her about the Mercenaries that attacked my caravan, since you know more about them than I," Pelinal requested.
"I humbly accept your offer. I must say, though, we should probably get this blood washed off of us before we see the Queen," Argumu chuckled.
"There are baths in the palace of Wayrest, so we need not worry about that. Drake, could you round up the horses and then ride to the palace to let Queen Elysana know that we will be bringing a guest?" Pelinal asked of his remaining guard.
"Yes, sir, I will also ask her to contact the Emperor to let him know what has transpired."
"Thank-you, Drake. That will be all for the time being. Now, Argumu, we will wait for Drake to bring back the horses and then we shall ride."
"I have a feeling that this is the beginning of a long friendship," Argumu stated.
"As do I, friend. As do I?" Pelinal affirmed.
From that day forward, an irrevocable bond was formed between Argumu gro-Olug and Pelinal Whitestrake II. Even though Pelinal's position as Ambassador to the Emperor of Tamriel allowed for little other than politics, he still made it a habit to visit Argumu gro-Olug at least once every month for several years. Sometimes, Argumu would visit Pelinal in the Imperial City if Pelinal's schedule permitted.
Seven Years Forward, Two Years Before Present Day?
Since becoming Emperor on Tirdas, the 31st of Frostfall, 3rd Era 433, Pelinal had been unable to visit Argumu for several months. When he found the opportunity to go to Wayrest seven months later, he decided that he would visit his old friend in Orsinium. Argumu gro-Olug lived in a large manor on the city's South side, overlooking the nearby city of Wayrest. When Pelinal arrived at his house, he was not expecting Argumu to have company, as they had planned to meet on that day two months prior. However, when Argumu opened the door, Pelinal was shocked to see a beautiful Imperial woman sitting on a luxurious wooden sofa in the living room.
The first things Pelinal noticed about her were her sparkling blue eyes and her long blonde hair. Her eyes sparkled with the brilliance of a thousand night stars, and her hair shone like the sun's burning rays of light. She was the most beautiful person Pelinal had ever laid his eyes upon, and when he saw her, he knew she was the one. Argumu gro-Olug interrupted his thoughts by introducing the woman to him.
"Pelinal, I would like you to meet my friend, Alessia Amore," Argumu said with a smile.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady," Pelinal declared.
"The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. Argumu has told me so much about you that it feels like I already know you!" Alessia giggled, "It's an honor to finally meet you in person, though."
"I'm getting thirsty, and it seems that I'm out of ale. I'll leave you two to get to know each other while I get some more," Argumu said as he left the house.
Several moments of silence passed before Pelinal finally asked, "Where do you hail from, Alessia? Are you from around these parts?"
Alessia answered, "I was born and raised in Anvil in the province of Cyrodiil, but I was forced to leave my home in Hearthfire of last year after the city was attacked by the Daedra and my home was destroyed. If not for Argumu, I would not be alive today. I must also thank you, for if Argumu had not been on his way back to High Rock from your house, I would surely be dead."
Sort of a cliff hanger at the moment, but lemme know what you think