Finding the resist magika perk

Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:39 am


I was previously advised that the Alteration Skill tree has a magika resistance perk. To be clear is that the alteration skill tree when you chose magic as opposed to stamina or health? The reason I ask is that I selected magic and when I then choose alteration I can’t find the said perk.

Also I note that once you do the initial selection for the perk but then pause and carry on playing the game it doesn’t let you go back and switch from say, magic to stamina or health. Is that right? I ask just in case I made a mistake in choosing magic when looking for the resist magic perk?

Hope that’s clear and not too wordy!


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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:09 am

When you level up, you can decide to increase your health/magic/stamina by 10 points. After that, you are awarded a perk point to spend on a perk of your choosing. In the alteration tree[to the left I believe] you can find the magic resistance perk. It has three ranks to it. You can unlock the first rank of it when your alteration skill reaches 30.

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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:47 am

You choose to add 10 to health, magicka or stamina, then pick a perk at level up. You don't have to take a perk straight away, you can save them and take them later (it says how many you can take near the top of the skills page). As you can see, you need to take novice and apprentice, and have an alteration skill of 30, before you can take the first rank of magic resistance. [Apologies if you knew this and I have misunderstood your post.]

:ninja: ed again, ah well.

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