Finished Companion story followers not at Jorvaskr

Post » Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:24 am

Hey everybody,

Are the followers from Jorvaskr bugged? or a bit buggy? when completing it and curing myself of Lychanthropy does the Companions followers change 'homes'?

I finished up the Companion story and cured Kodlak, and cured myself. I quicktravelled to Whiterun, sent Lydia home and i looked around but i couldnt find Aela, Vilkas or Farkas. I waited an hour, and again hour, eventually Farkas showed up at Jorvaskkr, but i still couldnt find Aela or Vilkas. I went back to the tomb where i cured the Lycanthrophy thinking they might still be there but i couldnt find them there either.

I reloaded a previous save and tried again. This time while at the tomb i dropped Lydia and she returned home. I picked up Aela to be my follower, cured myself and went back to Whiterun/Breezehome. Another weird thing was that even after waiting several hours Lydia didnt show up back at Breezehome. When i released Aela, waited 1 hour then checked Breezehome THEN Lydia was there. I tried again until i was back to Breezehome and Lydia still wasnt anywhere, i didnt check the Jarls keep or Jorvaskr come to think of it. While outside of Breezehome I released Aela but instead of walking towards Jorvaskr she started walking towards Whiteruns main gate, and she exited. I didnt bother to follow he to see where she went though.

On one of the attempts i went back to the tomb and i saw Farkas standing up on a ledge above the cure altar. But there are no stairs to get up to or down from where he was standing. I managed to jump up to him, but could this be keeping him from returning to Jorvaskr? should i Fus Ro Dah him off the ledge? if he was off the ledge would it even make a difference?

Am i missing a few steps? so far i've only cured Kodlak, myself and i've talked to Aela, Vilkas and Farkas after curing myself going through all dialogue options (except training and join me).

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:52 pm

The Circle members remain at the tomb, exploring it on their own, for ten real-time minutes, then they head back to Jorvaskr. You can still recruit them while they remain in the tomb.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:19 am

Ahh ok, it was the 10 real time minutes then. The most that had passed was around 5 minutes as i ran around and in and out of buildings trying to get them to pop or by resting in 1 hour or 8 hour blocks.


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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:14 pm

Also, keep in mind that they WALK all the way home. It takes a while. :)
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Mélida Brunet
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