It means that you have more space then the 80GB I have.

Late game saves for Fallout 3 and New Vegas are but two of the several reasons I bought a 500 GB hard drive for my PS3. It's also one of the reasons that I sold my 360 to get a PS3, the fact that I can put ANY hard drive (without modding in some way) into a PS3. Screw Microsoft and their over-priced Hardware.
OH well someone forgot Rule Number 1.
What if you uninstall the HH DLC and reinstall it again. Will you be able to play it again? I mean unistall the DLC. Start a game, something will say about no DLC but continue anyway with loosing wall that was tied to the DLC. . Save the game. Yes that would mean a hard save. Then reinstall the DLC again and then load up the game. Not sure if this will work or not since I never tried it.
There's a 50/50 chance that that will work. It worked twice for me with Dead Money, but on the third try, the Adandoned bunker was locked and I couldn't get in. It's definitely worth a shot though.