Problem, officer?
Good job, azznass! Thanks for proving my point. You obviously having nothing better to do than to litter threads with inane and irrelevant posts. Crapping in threads with lame-ass remarks and lame-ass posting of random images seems to be your call in life and who you are. I would be willing to bet that irrelevant image you posted makes you feel clever, and all good inside, tickles your fancy, that you've accomplished something big and worthwhile in your life. It does, doesn't it? LOL, I find that fact very amusing.

Again, not one of your posts here has anything decent or intelligent to share with others, I would be willing to bet top dollar that you will continue this behavior, since this is who you have proven to us who you inherently are. I know you will prove me right - again.

Go on, make another off-topic juvenile nonsensical post, so you can feel all important inside and give your self-esteem a much needed boost.
Just like an incessant annoying barking dog that is ignored by those who have something better to do with their time, I will also do what everyone else in this thread is doing, ignore the barking dog. So I'm pretty much done with you from now on, since I know 100% you will continue to try to feed your self-esteem, since you can't help yourself - it is just who you are.
In the meantime, I will return on-topic (temporarily and unfortunately side-railed by troll control), and share something with others in this thread about my experience in the game.
The OP mentioned grabbing enemies by the throat. I discovered that as well, but with a caveat. I can grab the smaller ceph aliens (by pressing "F"), but I can't grab the larger ones. Anyone else experience this discrepancy as well? I wonder if this is a deliberate limitation? I tried this with the larger ones, it didn't work, and I was immediately mauled!