Sneaking behind someone and killing them doesn't take to many animations, in oblivion you just swung a dagger. Now your actually going to kill them in a way that makes sense??
We're all probably aware of how useless daggers were in oblivion and now with the 10x multiplier and seemingly insta-kill animations, stealth seems like it will be a lot more fun.
What I'm worried about is the balance of the game as far as stealth goes. From what I've heard, such as the new alert system their implementing, stealthing may even be easier than it was in oblivion. I don't want a game where you can literally sneak in a straight line up to someone, kill them instantly, go back into the shadows or turn invisible (oh god) and do this over and over until you've racked up 50 bodies. If they keep the multiplier at 10x, instant death, than I want sneaking to be hard. I don't want the old "wait for the guard to turn around, he see's me now but once he looks the other way he won't know my presence at all" type deal.
it's important for your button presses to be more directly connected to the onscreen action.
I couldn't have said it better. Ideally, although I know many people may oppose this, I want every single action to a result of my key presses. I know it will not be this way.
The stomach stabbing finishing move, for example, 2 seconds long and most likely uncontrollable.
Does this ring a bell to anyone? How about if I said Assassin's Creed?
That's all that game was. You could literally Counter attack a whole army's worth of guards performing one of 3-4 animations over and over and over and over and over and over and over. If it was up to me, I would implement a system where the only "animations" you could perform would be performed if and only if
a ) you clicked a specific number of keys and given variable were met (which sounds like what I'm trying to avoid, I know, but also...)
B ) have the player actually control the animation.
For example, allow the player to grab a humanoid by pressing a certain button, then another button would push said humanoid on one side which would expose his stomach, then your mouse movement + another certain key would control your sword swing (would have to be partially guided of course, but you get the idea).
These kind of animation/finishing moves would be ideal imo. Unfortunately, chances are it will be more of a "oh you blocked? okay, press x and you'll stab him and slice his throat"