Finishing moves and perspective: How will they differ in 1st

Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:14 pm

if they make every finishing move a slow motion out of the body experience then I will not buy the game, I feel THAT strongly against it.

you want to see in 3d person fine use it and watch all you want, I want to see in 1st person good then don't FORCE ME out of it every time I want to do anything significant.

I feel the same 100%.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:11 am

At this point, it's impossible to say, I don't think we even have much detail on finishing moves beyond that they exist. Are finishing moves special attacks you can perform (Though presumably only when specific conditions are fulfilled as "finishing moves" implies that they always result in the death of the character you're attacking, thus making them one hit kills, if they're a special attack, so if you can perform them whenever you like, it would basically allow you to one hit kill all enemies.), or will they simply be special animations that are sometimes shown when NPCs die? Hopefully, though, finishing moves can be made to look good in both first and third person either way. I don't want the game to make a sudden transition into third person when finishing moves are performed as that could get awkward, or if it is used it should be an option you can toggle like the cinematic kill camera in real time gameplay in New Vegas. If I CHOOSE to play the game in first person, I don't want the game forcing me into third person against my will, the more the game can cut down on things like that, the better. If it's an option, though, that's fine because then I only have to get it if I want to.

I was actually thinking about this, but finishing moves really aren't new to Bethesda. They were used extensively when using VATS in Fallout 3 and New Vegas (Obsidian). One of the only reasons I liked using VATS was for finishing moves, when the camera would zoom in on the side of the player's face, and then follow bullet/laser/etc. burst from the weapon and impact the NPC. I can definitely see Bethesda making full use of that with bows and arrows, and it would be interesting to see what they do with magic.

I wouldn't quite call what we got in VATS finishing moves as that implies that your character actually does a special animation for finishing off an opponent, but in VATS, you really didn't get that, the camera just moved to dramatic angles and you got cinematic tricks like slow motion and the popular "following the bullet" camera. If finishing moves exist for ranged combat as well, I could see us seeing something similar to using VATS with guns, except of course with bows and arrows instead of guns and bullets. But for melee, VATS isn't really like what I expect finishing moves in Skyrim to be.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:35 pm

if they make every finishing move a slow motion out of the body experience then I will not buy the game, I feel THAT strongly against it.

you want to see in 3d person fine use it and watch all you want, I want to see in 1st person good then don't FORCE ME out of it every time I want to do anything significant.

i stopped not even half way through the last resident evil movie for that specific reason. that asshat of a director paul anderson hits the damn slo-mo button on ever other freaking shot. this was one of the major concerns for the next deus ex game as well but at least they made it optional so you dont have to use it if you dont want to. hopefully its optional in skyrim as well.

another game which i remembered did finishing moves very well was that chronicles of riddike game. you werent invincible as far as i could tell and they were very quick and how a professional would be. i hope they dont have your charater doing fist pumps and banging his chest etc after every kill.

if they do it like some of the mods like deadly reflexes did it it could work. in the mods you had to hit specific key combos to actually perform the attack. that is a great system.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:41 am

I hope it's similar to Assassin Creed's "finishing moves" in 3P.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:28 am

I feel the same 100%.

me too. gimmicky rubbish.
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:32 am

Hopefully this will also work with stealth attacks from melee on an unsuspecting target. The image of the backstabbing in the GI article made me giggle, so say the least. That would definitely add spice to stealth combat, unlike how in Oblivion backstabbing was just a slash from behind.

Edit: Oh and I want to stay in first person. I hate leaving first person every time I want to sit down, completely ruins immersion for me. I should only enter third person when I hit the button, not when the game wants me to see myself.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:57 pm

'You pose an interesting point. I'm currently under the impression the finishing move will just activate as you finish an opponent'

Wouldn't that be totally hands off though! I hate any element of hands off gameplay, whether it be RPG or Sports. I hope finishing moves isn't to Skyrim, what levelling was to Oblivion.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:04 pm

I just don't want them to force me to do a finishing move on every goblin and rat I kill. If I want to do it let me do it, but when I don't want to keep killing people like I'm Enzio, give me that option ^_^
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:48 am

Wow, I just found out about the "finishing moves". Sounds kind of goofy if you ask me. Since they are already confirmed in the game, I just hope they are dynamic and not some heavily scripted cut scene that plays out the same every time. I just don't know how you can have something like this and not make it feel scripted and out place. I mean, what do they enemies do, stand there dizzy and wobbly awaiting the killing blow while a voice yells out FINISH HIM! from the sky?

The only way I can see this being cool is if they implement some good body damage and basically allow your enemy to continue standing for around a second after their health has been fully drained (i.e. allow your weapon to do dismemberment type damage as they are falling or barely still standing). That way, if you do nothing right away, they simply fall down and die. If you continue slashing, whatever the last contact you make translates into a dismemberment or special animated move, depending on your position, your enemies position, your weapon, and your swing type. I just don't want the character standing there like in mortal combat where I am prompted into a quick time event button pressing sequence, after which I am treated to a scripted kill. If that is the case, this game series has truly died....
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:50 am

finishing moves hold zero interest for me. I would rather they make the game world believable and immersive, which would mean sorting the levelling problems from Oblivion.

I want a believable world more than anything else.

If I wanted finishing moves, I would buy a beat em up.

If I wanted this mechanic I would play this game...blah blah blah

What's wrong with having that same thing in Skyrim. The game will obviously draw inspiration for a lot of its game play from other sources. The finishing moves are a nice addition and if someone leaves their guard open in combat and I have to option of cutting his hand off I will take it. I'm pretty sure believable combat makes for believable game play..after all they are striving for realistic fantasy. An enemy shouldn't be able to shrug off a thrust into the gut.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:26 am

At this point, it's impossible to say, I don't think we even have much detail on finishing moves beyond that they exist. Are finishing moves special attacks you can perform (Though presumably only when specific conditions are fulfilled as "finishing moves" implies that they always result in the death of the character you're attacking, thus making them one hit kills, if they're a special attack, so if you can perform them whenever you like, it would basically allow you to one hit kill all enemies.), or will they simply be special animations that are sometimes shown when NPCs die? Hopefully, though, finishing moves can be made to look good in both first and third person either way. I don't want the game to make a sudden transition into third person when finishing moves are performed as that could get awkward, or if it is used it should be an option you can toggle like the cinematic kill camera in real time gameplay in New Vegas. If I CHOOSE to play the game in first person, I don't want the game forcing me into third person against my will, the more the game can cut down on things like that, the better. If it's an option, though, that's fine because then I only have to get it if I want to.

I wouldn't quite call what we got in VATS finishing moves as that implies that your character actually does a special animation for finishing off an opponent, but in VATS, you really didn't get that, the camera just moved to dramatic angles and you got cinematic tricks like slow motion and the popular "following the bullet" camera. If finishing moves exist for ranged combat as well, I could see us seeing something similar to using VATS with guns, except of course with bows and arrows instead of guns and bullets. But for melee, VATS isn't really like what I expect finishing moves in Skyrim to be.

When I referred to VATS, I meant specifically for if there were ranged finishing moves. I did not mean to infer it would also imply for melee as well. All we can really go on this point is that one screen shot we have in the GI of the assassin impaling that dark elf. However Bethesda decided to implement finishing moves, I'm sure everyone will be satisfied.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:57 pm

Wow, I just found out about the "finishing moves". Sounds kind of goofy if you ask me. Since they are already confirmed in the game, I just hope they are dynamic and not some heavily scripted cut scene that plays out the same every time. I just don't know how you can have something like this and not make it feel scripted and out place. I mean, what do they enemies do, stand there dizzy and wobbly awaiting the killing blow while a voice yells out FINISH HIM! from the sky?

The only way I can see this being cool is if they implement some good body damage and basically allow your enemy to continue standing for around a second after their health has been fully drained (i.e. allow your weapon to do dismemberment type damage as they are falling or barely still standing). That way, if you do nothing right away, they simply fall down and die. If you continue slashing, whatever the last contact you make translates into a dismemberment or special animated move, depending on your position, your enemies position, your weapon, and your swing type. I just don't want the character standing there like in mortal combat where I am prompted into a quick time event button pressing sequence, after which I am treated to a scripted kill. If that is the case, this game series has truly died....

I'll tell you what sounds goofy. Slashing someone hard enough to cut through their body parts and only seeing them fall down dead.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:19 am

me too. gimmicky rubbish.

In dark messiah it was made well, though some finishers had slow moo (like decapitation), but others like impaling, killing a cyclopes (epic), cutting a hand, electrocution, burning, permanent freeze, shrinking, TELEKINESIS DEATH (SUPER EPIC), were all in 1st person and they were amazing.

Oh before I forget the epic death by arrow AND the EPIC DEATH by throwing a dagger at a running target damn that was good.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:34 am

I'll tell you what sounds goofy. Slashing someone hard enough to cut through their body parts and only seeing them fall down dead.

nothing is lamer than cleaving someone with a sharp claymore, and then instead of getting cut in half OR hoping he gets a massive gash that sprays blood, he falls in a theatrical way that almost made me LOL.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:18 am

i hope they dont make you invincible if your doing finishing moves. this isnt assassins creed where you can get through the entire game just by doing one finishing move after another. if you want to do a finishing move to show off then some other npc should be able to come along and kill you.

as for how its done. at least for first person which is pretty much what i use i hope they took some cues from far cry 2 and from dark far those are the best first person animations i can recall. mirrors edge supposedly has great first person animations as well but i havent gotten around to playing it yet.

Well assassin's creed's weren't really finishing moves. They had the same principle as finishing moves with the flashy kill scene but they were kill combos that you could kill someone from full health, which I am a master of hehe.
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