I dont mind finishing moves but I do however dislike that they're automatic and the fact that they force you into third person. (even though I mostly play in 3rd person)
I'd like it if it was like with deadly reflex. Actually.. I dont recall if it forces you into 3rd person, Im fairly certain it doesen't... Anyhow, In DR it's completly manual and you have to actually set it up by bashing or kicking the enemy before being able to use finishing moves, also the enemy often has to be at somewhat low health.
Ofcourse none of us know exactly how it'll work in skyrim, but I'm hoping it'll work atleast similar to DR. Enemy has to be bashed/kicked, (if that's in the game, I know bashing is but haven't seen kicks) isn't automatic, doesen't force you into 3rd person and that the enemy has to be at low health.
