I think it's kind've selfish to be voting no on finisher moves being optional...
Okay, we get it, some of you love the finisher moves... but a lot of people don't. How does giving people who don't like the finisher moves the option to disable them affect people who do like them? :confused:
Yup... but I guess somebody votes no to optional if they like the finishing moves so strongly that they don't even want precious developing time spent on making them optional

Still, since the whole finishing move thing sounds so controversial, and as you say, a lot of people don't like it... I think Bethesda really should make it optional.
Let's just hope Bethesda sees this thread or ... has gotten the idea of people wanting it optional anyway.
Not all the finishing moves were forced 3rd person. Check the dual wielding one and the one where he stabs the guy in the back.
I know, and I mentioned that.
My explanation for it is: "The finishing moves are different for every weapon and every creature type. So... my explanation to the finishing move for the bandit using the glass longsword is that ... that's how the finishing move simply look for when finishing off a bandit (or human/elf in general) with a longsword."
Edit: If its a % chance based thing like it is in Fallout 3 then Im pretty sure well see some mods that get rid of finishing moves real quick after release, so whats the problem?
If it isn't optional in the vanilla version, I'm sure mods would "fix" it, yes. But what about consoles that can't have mods? The console players represent the majority of the TES players.