» Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:12 am
Firearms are just really obsolete in the world of Nirn. Magic supersedes the use of gunpowder, I mean, Tamriel isn't a world in which Magic is persecuted as you see in other fantasy. It's considered as natural as breathing.
Take this example; Line Infantry versus a Line of Battle-Mages. After one volley, that line infantry would be taking huge losses as a battle-mage wouldn't be hindered by having to reload his weapon. A flintlock rifle you provide as a example, the average soldier back in the day usually fired two shots each minute, more if they were skilled enough but it still wasn't enough and that's time you can't afford if you've got someone wielding thunder in one hand and a blade in another.
So for personal use, or for mass military use. Most would consider a firearm a bulky, noisy, time wasting weapon.