So I've never played the Fallout series before, but will definitely be picking 4 up. I'm looking to focus more on non-VATS combat but am not familiar with how the series differentiates the firearm types and how much they vary. In past FPS games I typically like slower aim intensive weapons, but not so much to be a sniper. More mid-range deliberate individual shots from weapons IE...
-Non-scoped/quicker reloading rifles. Paratrooper rifle in Return to Castle Wolfenstein for example. (It was scoped, but works as described)
-Very slow high caliber revolvers. Borderlands definitely offered this.
-Or slower low recoil semi-auto SMGs with less spray and pray style shooting.
-Even a shotgun with less spread could be fairly viable here.
Not being familiar with this series would any of these weapon types specifically jump out to you as being most appropriate to focus on? I know we can modify weapons so could all of these potentially work? Obviously we can't be 100% until we play FO4, but I'm just looking for a general direction to be pointed in. Thank you!