» Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:01 am
Seizure causing explosions? That's a new one for me.
Also, unrealistic? Most fires burn orange/yellow. Blue flames happen, yes, but mostly on stoves, and burners.
I'm not seeing the point here about unrealistic. Even a nuclear explosion's fireball is yellow-orange after the initial flash of bright white light that outshines the sun.
Also, depending on the size of the fireball, it's not really that big. So, I'm really confused here.
A fireball in Morrowind, or fire based spell, if you will, looks big only if you pick a large blast area.
Almost all fireballs I launch, which isn't much, are basically tiny little blobs of fire that hit their target. No giant whirling fire. Unless I hit them with God's Fire, which has a 25 feet radius or something.
Maybe you have a mod that conflicts with how the fireball is supposed to look? Because, it's all about the size of the area of effect, that determines how large the fireball is.
Can you provide a picture of what you mean? Because, I'm kind of confused.
Are you talking about the fireball in flight, or on impact?