Has Miss Quinn figured out Mr. J died about 250 years ago, yet?
I made 2 characters. One Ms. SS with just a first name and Codsworth called her Ms. *name*. I gave the male SS a first and last name and he called him Mr. *last name*.
There's a few wikis and articles that are beginning to share compatible names. I know that I can get my name (Matt or Matthew) to work, but there are many more first names than last names.
I don't know if it says both names, I don't think Harley is on the list of names he knows.
From reading the posts, I am guessing that Codsworth checks the names from left to right. So if you named you character, Herman Farnsworth Bennington, it would check Herman first. If Herman is found on the list, it will use Mr. or Miss Herman (depending on the gender of your character). If Herman is not on the list it will check Farnworth, and use that if found. If Farsworth is not in the list it will check Bennington and use that if found. If none of the names are found it will default to a generic Sir or Mum.
As for my post, I am guessing that Codsworth checked Harley first and didn't find it on the list and then checked Quinn and found it, since Codsworth (based on the post I quoted) started addressing the Sole Survivor as Miss Quinn. It should also be noted (for those that do not know) that my post was a joke and the Mr. J that I referenced comes from the same universe that Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel resides in.
And before anyone asks, I am 'Mr. Tom'.