With MMM they sometimes spawn... sometime after I first came to Rivet city I was walking towards Jefferson Memorial... I have my game modded with BoS Patrols and MTC Travellers...
I seen laser fire in the distance so I took my 3 SCC companions (Lucy West, Karen Schenzy, Khutz(RIP he died last night *sad panda*) all of a sudden i seen some mutants rush the brothers and seen the travellers flee and all of a sudden the big mother behemoth came charging in... I see brotherhood paladins flying in the air... I ran but Khutz(big gun specialist also very tall) stood his ground and ran up to the big guy...
i was like omg you idiot... he got knocked back... thougth he was dead... I jump in the water (bad idea FWE kills me) all of a sudden Khutz gets up... turns out he was looting a minigun... he mowed that thing down with the remaining paladins and me hiding behind a rock like a punk...
damn shame he was killed by a roaming talon patrol sniper...