But now after playing the game for several days and experimenting much of the little world Bethesda created, I have to say I'm feeling guilty for such approach. And I have to say sorry to myself and to Bethesda for that. I know many people also like playing a game with this 'me against the system' mentality, and that's why we have here in this forum so many complains about perk trees, spells and the like. But in the end, after noticing the amount of details the game has to offer, you realize that everything you worry about regarding game mechanics only prevents you from enjoying your travels, the landscape, and the immersion this game can create.
I really wish I could ignore design flaws and character development in RPGs, and focus on enjoying the game world itself. I'm really trying to do that, and I think that if there's a game that can change this mentality, that's Skyrim. For example, just now I read a thread where the OP said he encountered a random giant mourning the death of his mammoth in the fields. Another guy wrote about his travels to the far desolated north, and how much powerful is the landscape there and the feelings it can create. I don't think any other game bring so much emotional and detailed content like this, and the truth is that you'll never enjoy those things if you're either in the forums complaining about something or in the towns grinding your smithing/enchanting skills.
Congrats to Bethesda.