My first memories of Oblivion

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:19 pm

Just to pile on: Jensine's organization doesn't stop its members from haggling with the customer. It's just setting the base prices the same, so that it's down to individual Mercantile skills to determine the actual value of the sale. That's the way competition's supposed to work. In the game, too!
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:16 pm

Oblivion is the game that changed my gaming life forever and even though I didn't find it on gameday, when I did find it, I was in awe. I remember taking my time to make my Breton and I made that choice because I've always loved magic. When I left the sewer, I was sad because of everything I had just seen and the first thing I remember was having to fight a wolf because it attacked me. I love animals so that was difficult. I felt a sense of urgency to get the amulet to Jauffre because that's what Baurus told me to do and it was a big responsibility so I made my way to Weynon Priory.

Later, I remember being really scared when I had to enter the Oblivion gate in Kvatch. I mean really scared. :biggrin: It was so immersive and I just gave myself up to this beautiful world. Like I said, it changed my gaming life forever and I just love these games. I've been in Skyrim for a while now and have learned a lot more of the lore and I'm feeling an Oblivion itch that will need to be scratched. There are still things I've never done. I didn't like Sheogorath because of his Oblivion quest so I never did Shiverlng Isles. I think I can do that now. There was a DLC I never did too so it'll be new things I can do. I tend to prefer the newer tech but I think it'll be fine.

One other thing I did with my first Oblivion was overuse the Wiki. It's so much better when you don't do that but I was afraid of making a mistake and ruining my game. I didn't find the forums until later and I'm sure that everyone would have told me to just play and not worry about it. Sweet memories though. :tes:
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jess hughes
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:35 pm

One other thing I did with my first Oblivion was overuse the Wiki. It's so much better when you don't do that but I was afraid of making a mistake and ruining my game. I didn't find the forums until later and I'm sure that everyone would have told me to just play and not worry about it. Sweet memories though. :tes:
I′m glad I wasn′t aware of the wiki and forums when I started to play. But if I had been here and you had come, I definitely would have told you to shut down your internet and just play the game. In fact I have done that many times when new gamers come and ask things they should find out on their own :wink_smile:

Thanks for sharing!
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:01 pm

My first real memory was when my cousin came up for a weekend and brought his XBox 360 with him. He had this rented game with him, said it sounded really cool. So we put in the disc and made a Khajiit character (who I thought were amazing - talking tigers? hell yeah!). I don't remember a lot of the first tutorial, and one of my fondest and first memories is buying a Chestnut Horse from Chorrol and iding through the countryside. It was so beautiful, and we must've started the Arena by then too. I think the character was wearing Arena garb and one of the first things I did when I got the game was join the Arena.

When I got the game, I made an Argonian with the Iron Sword and Mythinc Dawn garb (talking Komodo Dragon? hell yeah! :D). I remember exiting the sewers and remarking how beautiful the game was. I crossed the lake to Vilverin to kill the bandits. I was so worried that I'd die, I was wearing no armour and fighting seasoned bandits. I barely scraqed through and used all the potions I found in the tutorial up. I don't remember much from then on.
One other thing I did with my first Oblivion was overuse the Wiki. It's so much better when you don't do that but I was afraid of making a mistake and ruining my game. I didn't find the forums until later and I'm sure that everyone would have told me to just play and not worry about it. Sweet memories though. :tes:
Yeah, I know that feel. I spoiled nearly everything in Oblivion through the wiki. I regret it so much, I was never surprised. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the game, but I'm sure it didn't add to it
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:31 pm would be interesting to read about your first memories of playing this game :)

Okay, then, here goes.

Was bored one evening and started looking at all my PS2 titles. I had been clean for several months, and one of the key things to staying clean is to keep your mind occupied. Without going into a long, detailed story, let's just say I was bored and looking for somthing new.

I had a lot of money saved, my budget was well-balanced, and I decided to start looking at buying a PS3. There weren't very many games out on PS3 at that time, so I decided if I found at least one which seemed really interesting, then I would go ahead and get this game AND the PS3.

I went to They do a lot of game reviews and stuff. So I went to their PS3 section and decided to start with the letter "A". Assassin's Creed was not out at that time I don't think, and there was nothing interesting under the letter A so I went to B.


T. Ookay,, what's this one? The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It's an RPG and got an A or maybe even an A+ from GameRevolution.

I read about it. And didn't even finish the article because I had already decided I MUST HAVE THIS GAME RIGHT NOW!!!! I had been looking for a good RPG for years, folks. Years. Baldur's Gate and Champions of Norrath were a couple of the better RPGs I had tried, but most of them were either mediocre, downright bad, or not exaactly what I was looking for.

But THIS game promised a couple things I had really been craving: exploration of an open world (which goes on for MILES) and random encounters. YES! You mean I can make a character and actually go anywhere with this character?

$470...gone. I rushed home and figured out how to plug it all together.

Like Pseron...
I don't remember much about my first day.

Well, that's not exactly what he said, but close enough! :meh:

I made a Nord character female named "Lady Anne". It just sounded like a generic medieval way. I have very scant memories of being fascinated by the chains hanging from the prison cell ceilings. :ooo: They actually moved when Anne touched them.

But I don't remember much about my first game-play. I was too blown away. By everything. Lady Anne delivered the Amulet, and after just a few hours of gameplay, I decided to start all over again with a brand-new character.

I thought the tutorial dungeon was extremely well done. In fact to this day I think it is probably the best tutorial I have ever played. I still start new characters every so often just so I can go through the tutorial. I find it to be a very relaxing experience.

I dont' find it relaxing, matter of fact, usually my character gets stressed several times! But I would also agree, as an initial dungeon, it is a very cool way to start. The fact that you can take it at your own pace makes the experience a little (or a lot) different each time you go thru it, too.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:03 pm

Only thing I remember from my first play through was trying to rob a horse in front of the imperial city (right after i got out of the sewers) and getting arrested
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:13 pm

I remember, I'd just got a PS3 when they came out in the UK, we had like 5 games to choose from, I went with Motorstorm. AFter playing that to death, I went on the net to look at the release schedule for PS3. It wasn't very good. A lot of generic FPSes, utter crap really. And some obscure thing called "The Elder Scrolls IV", which I didn't even bother to click on. I saw the amazing trailer for LittleBigPlanet, but that would only come out in October 2008.

So I went back to playing Motorstorm. I was reading a recent copy of PLAY a few weeks later, and read the review of Oblivion. They really made it sound great, warning that it wasn't perfect, but offered a lot of fun. From the description, it did seem worthy of being called next gen. I went away and read some stuff about it, the first thing I read was about the Night of Tears, which was cool because years later, we got a quest in Skyrim focusing on that.

I also saw all the awesome PC mods that people had, but I wouldn't be able to play those on my PC.

A month or so later, the game came out. I went into town and bought it from Woolworths (now closed) for £50. Ouch. I got home and went through the chargen system, I was blown away by the graphics (lol). I made a Dunmer with a lined face, and played through the worst tutorial have ever seen.

Privateer's hold is less annoying than waiting for the slow ass Emperor to move and unlock doors. It actually reminded me of those old adventure games where the game is all corridors, you never see the sky. That's what the sewers felt like, although it was better when you were on your own.

Anyway, I get outside and see.... A ruin, and a jetty. Well, I think, I might die, so I'm not touching that water (PS1 mentality retained). So I run around the outer edge of the Imperial isle, half assuming that the distant land I can see is inaccessible and just there for visuals (thinking of Monster Hunter there). I remember killing some bandits and a wolf near that cave with the bottomless pit, and resting in their camp.

I then worked out how to open the map, and saw that there was a fast travel option, so I zoomed straight to Weynon Priory, and got on with learning to play the game.

In the years after that, I got into playing Morrowind on my poor laptop that could barely handle it, and Fallout 3 and later on a proper gaming PC.

I've recently ordered Oblivion for PC, as I've never played it modded before, and Oblivion seems more like a game that benefits from adding extra stuff, whereas I never felt it was right to advlterate Morrowind's world too much. In Oblivion and to a similar extent Fallout 3, I think Bethesda have made some of the best sandbox games in existence, despite the many quirks and problems that Oblivion has.

I still remember leaping into the sea off the Mage's grove, and being surprised when a necromancer followed me in, swinging his mace. :P
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:52 am

Oblivion is full of some of my most memorable moments in gaming.

Yah, me too.

Later, I remember being really scared when I had to enter the Oblivion gate in Kvatch. I mean really scared. :biggrin: It was so immersive and I just gave myself up to this beautiful world.

Sheesh, I used to get scared by the littlest stuff. The sound of a branch bending in the wind, for instance, might literally send shivers up my spine!

I still get goosebumps every now and then, but let's just say it's not the same as during earlier gameplays.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:31 pm

Oblivion was my first :tes: and my second game on 360 (first Kameo) when it came out on 360.

I remember making new characters over and over again for a month... :ahhh:

I was in love with the game from the start :wub:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:53 pm

I remember one of the first things I did was head to the Arena and got the quest from the Grey Prince. After a few matches the Arena closed up and I went to look for Crowhaven. Along the way I riled up either a hedge wizard or necromancer and that Altmer nuked me. Couldn't tell you where exactly but if I had to guess it was somewhere in the forest between the Imperial City & Skingrad.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:52 pm

It's amusing, as peoples comments about open world, etc, etc are my exact fond memories of playing MW (with better view distance first with FPS Optimser, and then MGE).
So for me, I knew what to expect based on MW experiences.

But, my first memory of oblivon, and unfortunately, not a good one, is within the starting prison cell, thinking how terrible the textures of the rock wall were. My first introduction to poorly implemented normal maps.

Most memorable good moment is starting the Kvatch chain of quests.
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Jessica White
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:06 pm

I remember one of the first things I did was head to the Arena and got the quest from the Grey Prince. After a few matches the Arena closed up and I went to look for Crowhaven. Along the way I riled up either a hedge wizard or necromancer and that Altmer nuked me. Couldn't tell you where exactly but if I had to guess it was somewhere in the forest between the Imperial City & Skingrad.
I got a chuckle from this, not so much from an "old memory," either... Even after years of playing, I'm not immune to "noob moments."

I generally play "dead-is-dead." I also have the Spell Tomes DLC. In addition to the spell books, it also adds a conjurer who tracks you down to attack you. Recently I started a new character, who was happily jaunting through the wilderness, and encountered a wolf. And another wolf. Then a campsite, with a dog and a bandit. Win the fight, start looting the dead...

...and the conjurer comes running over the hill, summons a scamp, and...Game Over. Had Healing Spell. Had healing potions. Forgot to check Health. :facepalm:
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:29 am

I generally play "dead-is-dead." I also have the Spell Tomes DLC. In addition to the spell books, it also adds a conjurer who tracks you down to attack you. Recently I started a new character, who was happily jaunting through the wilderness, and encountered a wolf. And another wolf. Then a campsite, with a dog and a bandit. Win the fight, start looting the dead...

...and the conjurer comes running over the hill, summons a scamp, and...Game Over. Had Healing Spell. Had healing potions. Forgot to check Health. :facepalm:
That. Must. Sting! :ahhh:
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:27 am

That. Must. Sting! :ahhh:


It's the consequence of starting new characters. You've been playing somebody who can tank through Oblivion Gates, and now you got a character with a Strength of 12 and the Endurance of Kleenex. :wink_smile:
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:54 pm

the first elder scrolls game i actually played was morrowind on the original x box.i just couldn't get into it though (i never left seyda neen !?).
well around 2009/10 i bought my first 360 (from woolworths/a uk store/ 2 weeks before they went bust). anyways not long after i saw oblivion in a game shop,and having read reviews about how great it was,i took the plunge and bought a copy (standard version).
i was most pleasantly surprised by the game. it was a whole lot easier to get into than morrowind (no offence to morrowind lovers,i'm just not the greatest gamer to be honest/morrowind is a great game also).
well once i had escaped the prison cell and sought the exit from those dark/dank was a blessed relief to finally see the outside.and what a view it was.
i just didn't know where to begin.i think like a lot of people i first went exploring the aylied ruin that i saw across the lake,from the exit of those accursed catacombs.the game just grabbed me to be honest (as i'm sure you all can relate to ;-)
i have only played a few characters in oblivion (at the moment i do not currently have a 360/ps3 or pc to play it).
i do (when funds allow) plan on remedying that though :-)
p.s i have owned the standard edition,g.o.t.y and 5th anniversary edition of the game on 360.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:21 am

It's amusing, as peoples comments about open world, etc, etc are my exact fond memories of playing MW (with better view distance first with FPS Optimser, and then MGE).
So for me, I knew what to expect based on MW experiences.

But, my first memory of oblivon, and unfortunately, not a good one, is within the starting prison cell, thinking how terrible the textures of the rock wall were. My first introduction to poorly implemented normal maps.

Morrowind looks like crap compared to Oblivion, but he :shrug:

Ps thanks for the Morrowind mod links BTW :wink_smile:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:31 pm

Morrowind looks like crap compared to Oblivion, but he :shrug:

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

But Morrowind does not "look like crap" compared to Oblivion ...unless your criterion is a superficial one. Arguably Morrowin (and Skyrim) have more style than Oblivion. Which is at least as important as trendy technological advances.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:21 am

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

But Morrowind does not "look like crap" compared to Oblivion ...unless your criterion is a superficial one. Arguably Morrowin (and Skyrim) have more style than Oblivion. Which is at least as important as trendy technological advances.

Oh noes, it's the knight in shining armor... again? :yawn:

If someone ( gonna rant about Oblivion with BS arguments about textures to let everybody know he likes Morrowind better i'm gonna :flame:

And to you good sir... boo [censored] hoo :rolleyes:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:23 pm

I remember upgrading my hardware to play this game smooth. 15-20fps is pretty awful in the long run.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 pm

I generally play "dead-is-dead." I also have the Spell Tomes DLC. In addition to the spell books, it also adds a conjurer who tracks you down to attack you. Recently I started a new character, who was happily jaunting through the wilderness, and encountered a wolf. And another wolf. Then a campsite, with a dog and a bandit. Win the fight, start looting the dead...

...and the conjurer comes running over the hill, summons a scamp, and...Game Over. Had Healing Spell. Had healing potions. Forgot to check Health. :facepalm:

Heh. I remember when I first got that DLC. Was waiting at the waterfront until midnight and the conjurer shows up, completely ignores me, and kills the pirates waiting outside the ship, the bum, a Kvinchal, and one of the bosmer that stays at Methredels before a guard and Armand got him. I didn't even want to kill him. I just wanted to see how high a body count he could get. Took me a while to actually put 2 and 2 together to realize he came from the spell book mod. :lol:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:10 pm

Started out from the tutorial dungeon, stumbled around, and decided to explore the weird ruins (vilverin) on the opposite bank. I saw some bandits, and thought there were..friendly campers. Got a shock when they started shouting stuff and pelting arrows at me :(
After i killed em, i discovered the door to vilverin and thought it was some tunnel to a dwarven city or something. And halfway through the dungeon there was this hard lock (or very hard lock, memory fails me) and i didnt know there was a switch for it. So i spent a heck of a time trying to pick the lock open, and cursing this "incredibly hard" game.
After that was my first venture into the imperial city, and the first thing i did was to talk to a guard and attack him afterwards :) i kept leading the guards out of the imperial city prison to kill them one by one, but was thwarted by the immortal captain of the guard (whatever his name was) and had to reload :meh:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:00 am

One thing I do remember now (which I forgot to put in my post up above) is I was like a lot of you at first. I assumed my character was a wanted woman, and if she entered the Imperial City, she'd pay for her crimes. ;)

I didn't know about the whole "psychic guards" thing, and didn't know that if the Emperor himself pardoned me, all the guards of Cyrodiil would somehow magically drop any sort of bounty on my first character, Lady Anne. But I couldn't help myself. I saw the Imperial City's tower way up yonder, and had to risk a walk up into it.

Once I was in the city (Market District), I noted a couple guards. They didn't bother to come after Lady Anne, so I figured she's in the clear. :) I remember seeing the wanted poster on the wall for the Grey Fox, and reading it on the spot. Wow. that was so cool, the way even a simple poster like this has a bit of detail one can interact with.

I have a very scant memory of going up to a guard, and trying to talk with him. I got to the Disposition wheel thingie and probably failed at it!
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:52 pm

One thing I do remember now (which I forgot to put in my post up above) is I was like a lot of you at first. I assumed my character was a wanted woman, and if she entered the Imperial City, she'd pay for her crimes. :wink:
I assumed I'd pretty much been pardoned, but I avoided the IC for awhile because the game made it sound like the Mythic Dawn had held a coup and were controlling the city.

I went back to buy a house, but couldn't find the "ruler" that was supposed to sell me a house. Eventually after being snubbed by most of the counts I bought one in Bravil with my Arena winnings. I can still remember practising summoning skeletons in that little house.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:44 pm

Started out from the tutorial dungeon, stumbled around, and decided to explore the weird ruins (vilverin) on the opposite bank. I saw some bandits, and thought there were..friendly campers. Got a shock when they started shouting stuff and pelting arrows at me :(
That′s not a nice thing to do to someone who′s fresh out of the sewers :sad:

After that was my first venture into the imperial city, and the first thing i did was to talk to a guard and attack him afterwards :smile: i kept leading the guards out of the imperial city prison to kill them one by one
But neither is this! :P
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:14 am

I remember some of the strategies and tactics I used to use which I shudder at the thought of now. I used to think restoration had to be used on every account. I also used to get up skills in... How to put this... The incorrect ways ;) Thank Goodness I have changed now
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