We are not so unlike, you and I

I got my hands on Oblivion thanks to a buddy I drove home from a party once, him being pretty drunk. As a token of gratitude he gave me his copy as he was bored of it but I didn′t install it right away. I was still fooling around in Doom 3 and thought I′d finish that first. When I had installed Oblivion and started it....

Let's hope he doesn't ask for it back then!

I also found out about Oblivion through a friend I used to sit next to in science class. He was a quiet little guy and one day he mumbled something about a new game called Oblivion where you could be an elf or an orc if you wanted and travel all around a fantasy land. He made it sound so good I went home and asked my dad if it would play on the computer, not having an xbox at this time. My dad said it would play so I bought it. Science classes were a lot more fun after that, we were always jabbering on about Oblivion

I half-heartedly played around with some console commands, but never installed a single mod, I just didn't know how.
I've still got the PC version, just for old times sake. I haven't seen the quiet little guy for years, but if I were to bump into him tomorrow I just know we'd talk about Oblivion. (And Skyrim now too.) Awww.