I remember avoiding the Imperial City out of fear of getting arrested from escaping. I remember fighting a troll just outside the walls which actually brought my dear Lothran a brief existence in the Aetherius plane.
I remember spending so much time in the market district when I finally dared operate in public. And I very much remember one of my first quests, Unfriendly Competition, which I enjoyed very much. Not to mention I remember my very first visit to Bruma. I have never felt so at home as when I first laid eyes upon the town gates while the snow was falling to the sound of Jeremy Soule′s amazing music.
Unfortunately I also remember having serious performance issues which actually was the main reason I spent so much time in the Imperial City, I couldn′t go outside without lowering the settings significantly. New sound cards, more RAM and whole new systems was needed before I could crank up the settings to where they are now.
It was worth it though, and it would be interesting to read about your first memories of playing this game