Had to stop playing the story cause I have no voice sounds. I hope there is a fix on this aswell as the syncing data and getting corrupt save fies after exiting completley the game and then starting back up again. xb1
Had to stop playing the story cause I have no voice sounds. I hope there is a fix on this aswell as the syncing data and getting corrupt save fies after exiting completley the game and then starting back up again. xb1
I hope they'll fix the floating mammoths this time.
Oh wait, wrong game. Sorry. Carry on.
17000 in the .ini file. Half-way between the High and Ultra. Like I said, I have exceptional framerates everywhere but a few intersections in Boston. So I really don't want to lower the Shadow Distance for only the small amount of areas with an issue.
In NV the game ran fine until I went into the Thorn, which has more light sources that just about any place in the game (to create all those nice shadows and dark areas ironically) It was a slide show in there. But, disable the controller and vibration and it worked just fine.
This prolly gonna be a HUGE patch and the next one because ya know... they kinda didnt finish the game neways so this is just finishing what they started maybe? very excited though for their hard work!
really hope there is MORE settings... like an audio slider for the main character dialog so we can turn up the NPC's without being deafened when the main character talks.
Not sure I follow, Fallout 4 plays like a complete and finished game.
If you're talking about the PC port in particular, then I agree - but it's not really unfinished so much as it is in need of polish.
I read that medium setting was set at 3000 in the .ini file. Will have to double check. A lot of people were shooting suggestions over to Gopher in the comment section on one of his videos covering this issue, and that's where I read about the setting.
I'll give it a go once I'm at home. I'll be doing a much more concise bug report and submitting it in the PC support section in hopes that it helps the engineers reproduce the problem ( assuming they decide to optimize the game ).
Polish is part of finishing the game, lol... Ya its a complete game, its there and all, its just like not all there ya know? We all know, much as we love it, its pretty easy to see in alot of ways, like the audio just svcks, why is the volume for the audio all over the place some loud some unhearable.
Hopefully they fix it so that characters don't stop talking mid sentence. I swear if Piper or Preston don't finish their sentence one more time I'm killing Mama Murphy
Yeah, I wish Hideo Kojima and Konami got the memo when they were working on MGS V
ugh yeah the audio just drives me up a wall. Ended up turning on subtitles so I can at least see whats being said.
Maybe they went to the William Shatner school of acting.
There is a new Nvidia driver that just released today. I've read that it improved performance in Fallout 4, so those of you with Nvidia cards having issues, maybe that'll help.
I'll try that once I get home. I kind of feel bad - my issue isn't exactly huge. I get buttery smooth 60 fps on Ultra everywhere but a few spots where it dips into the 40-50s. I know a lot of people are experiencing worse issues. But it's just like I'm this close to perfection, and there are a few spots I can't out.
Cool, good to hear. Gonna install it right now and see if it makes a difference.
Fingers crossed.
Hoping for some kind of improvement to settlement UI to be able to deal with not being able to figure out which settlers are doing what.
Tried the new Nvidia drivers, haven't done any extensive testing but performance seems to have improved, especially in interiors.
Now if I could just run the damn game without my system inevitably hard crashing every 10 minutes, that'd be great.
lol... i really love those cryptic answers like.
"...i have a gtx970 and have no problems at all..."
dudes, you can't compare something, if you don't know the setup"
maybe the gtx980ti guy plays with all maxed out at 4k while the gtx970 guy plays on medium with 1280 resolution
Ok, did a little testing. The patch did zilch to alleviate the problems while in the exterior areas of the city. I didn't think the fps results were bad, but when I had the counter displayed, I was experiencing frames dropping to 32-35 average and then gradually climb up to about 38-40.
Specs for reference:
GTX 980ti
i7 4790k
32gb ram
Locked to 60 frames.
In-game settings:
First sample:
This was taken a little near the Mass fusion building. Looking at the ground at a certain angle caused the fps to dip into the 30's. Looking straight ahead caused it to top off at 60.
Second Sample:
Again, same deal, except this time I was closer to the Mass fusion building. Looking down would cause FPS drops, looking up would cause the drops to subside.
Third Sample:
This is more of a locational sample, but in this particular area looking ahead into the city (North west) caused the FPS to drop to a high 30, low 40. Looking out to sea would cause the game to top out at 60 fps.
Fourth Sample:
Same results as the third sample except I started moving a little deeper into the city, this time I was standing by the postal square.
This seems to be related to shadows being rendered fully under the game world which is causing dips in the FPS. Looking straight at the ground causes FPS dips while looking up stops the fps from dipping. The complete opposite should be occurring, no?
What happens when the shadow distance is set to medium?
What will happen to the saved games? The changes will affect old saves?
The PC will get first access to patches especially the Beta patch since it is much easier to release a patch on the PC. Consoles have to go through a certification process to be released which can take some time. Some of the fixes might not be for all platforms since the issue might not be across all platforms or are specific to one.
Game Saves should be fine.
Runs at 60 fps no issues.
The difference between high and medium is [censored] staggering, visually. Also as an aside, the load times between borderless windowed mode and fullscreen are massive. BW loads fast while full screen mode takes a good 30 seconds (and I'm running an evo ssd, wtf Bethesda).
Sample: http://imgur.com/a/Kx8X9
This was taken on the scaffolds by the crashed metro train that's suspended in the air. At high, looking down into the camp was dipping my fps into the 30's. At medium, the fps was a solid 60 no matter where I looked.
I'm incredibly disappointed by Bethesda.
I might try playing it at Windowed mode since I usually do not like playing that way.
I tried in Windowed mode and I have stutters with it. So back to Full Screen for me