Well, hope it's a doozey
Well, hope it's a doozey
PC optimizations please. A 980 ti shouldn't be struggling in certain parts of the city.
Hmm, interesting. Looking forward to seeing what it entails
Perhaps its a system issue? I have the same card and have no problems.
I hope this fixes the furance/emogen quests which i can not complete so far. As well as 5/5 Big Leagues.
Yah, System specs in Sig
I am not having those issues here but II did manage to flail FPS to bad low range by setting FOV to 110 .
I don't do that, so leave it at FOV 90 and see a constant 60fps with some dips in 50's on occasion that is usually short duration.
Ultra settings. Shrug.
I run game full screen though. Must be something they are doing or something esoteric going on with their system and the game.
Oh, and on topic. I hope they give some clue as to what to expect with patch.
I can't wait to see the patch release notes so I can decide whether to make a backup copy of my game files or not.
New patch = new bugs.
Not sure. Are you able to maintain a consistent 60 fps inside the denser parts of the city? Looking in a certain direction causes a dip in my FPS which is pretty noticeable.
I've turned down God rays to low but it doesn't alleviate the issue. Might try adjusting shadows and see if that helps. I think Gopher touched up on the issue on his channel and from what I have seen I have the same symptoms he has.
aren't the saved user game files on Steams' cloud?
Not checked fps, but not noticed any slowdown during any part of the game. I have everything maxed out except for motion blur (hate that stuff). Do you have some other tasks going on in your background? Or memory/cpu issues?
They are backed up when you exit the game, if you have the Cloud feature enabled for this game.
Here's hoping the patch fixes "clothing" vs "outfits" since you can't put armor plating over clothing like the suit and winter jacket.
It's possible. I may have precision X running in the tray which could be causing some issues - it causes Dota 2 to crash for me. I'll be running some tests tonight and finding the problematic areas and jotting them down.
I should add that I play in borderless windowed mode so I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with. I've heard from mixed channels that it helps some people but hurts others - maybe I fall in the latter group.
Its a good chance its the light sources, not the fixtures themselves, but the sources of light that give direct, ambient and shadow lighting, most of which you don't really see. So, I would try adjust any settings in the graphics that have to do with lights. I run my game on Ultra, including sun rays (as I changed nothing from the default Ultra settings) and I had 0 FPS issues in the Corvega Factory.
Likely the Shadow Distance since I think the highest setting is either unlimited range or close to that so that likely puts a strain on the GPU and possibly the CPU. You most likely will not notice the difference that much in the quality from a long distance away but will notice the FPS if that is the cause of it.
I have a system that is just a bit over the bare minimum so I have set a lot things to the Medium settings except for AA, and stuff like that since I do like the AA and not getting any FPS issues or at least not for me.
Have you tried with Full Screen mode.
I have no issues near the Corvega factory. Off the top of my head, looking either west or east near the Court 35 area causes a dip in FPS. There's also that one spot near a suspended metro train (the one with a protectron at the end) which causes a dip in fps looking in a very specific direction. It's bizarre.
I suspect that this is what the problem is. I'm going to tinker with the setting a little and drop it down to medium and see if that changes anything.
Not a system issue. I have a 980 TI also and a i7 4790K 4.0ghz. I'm seeing the same thing Motsie and Gopher are.
I THOUGHT I was getting a steady 60 FPS everywhere, but in certain parts of Boston the framerate tanks pretty hard. Not to low levels, but still a huge dip. I go from an avg of 80fps (when unlocked) to as low as 42 fps in some areas of Boston. It isn't as noticeable when everything is locked to 60 fps, but in certain areas of Boston the fps will jump up and down by 10 fps (down to 50 or below) depending on the direction I'm looking. If you aren't framerate sensitive, you may not notice it, but it feels awful when it happens.
It is poor optimization in those areas, plain and simple. A 980 TI shouldn't struggle to maintain 60 fps at 1080p in some areas of the game. If 95% of the game runs at 60 fps or above, there is an inherent problem in the 5% of the game where it dips as low as 42 fps. And it sounds like everyone is reporting the same areas.
If you are looking towards a bunch of NPCs, that can lower frame rates. Should not be a huge drop to slide showness, but it can cause drops.
I also want you to try something, as I set this before I ever launched the game: If your using your keyboard and mouse, disable the controller and vibration in the options. Having them enabled could cause all kinds of performance issues in FO3/NV for KB/M users. See what happens in your game. I don't know if this will have any effect or not, but it would be be good to know one way or the other.
Enabling or disabling my controller has no affect on my system.