» Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:14 pm
I would love a game that had a rich pallette of first person animations, even tho it wasn't great, I like games that try new things like, mirrors edge did do alot of good fp animations. For a apparently fp game there alot of forced tp, which I'm not a fan of, now the only forced fp is lock picking mini game. So what ever tod say, I think that shows it's 'no' longer really pushing to be that first person exsperience the Market lacks and that i loved tes for, amount other things. Plz Beth next game first person finishers, horses, activities ect plz. A whole fp game like tes would be very cool.( Off topic bias, as I hate third person, and i only play third person games that deserve the attention or that I can play with friends, like currently been ripping up zombie in dead rising 2 coop but I was bought that by the guy I'm playing it with, same with edf I was bought that by a different guy I played that through with. I bought dark souls though because demons souls was great. )