I'm personally very excited for this if this is the case. However, there is something I hope is NOT the case.
That would be the lack of movement/feel of larger enemy blows. Dragons flying overhead, and mammoths movement cause the screen to quake, which is a very wonderful effect and gives a powerful, cinematic feel. However, when it comes to getting struck by these creatures it seems a bit UNDERwhelming in this case. You'd think something that large would stagger you a bit more. To avoid it from turning into a staggerfest ala Oblivion (EG staggered and unable to respond and staggered again before the effect wears off), the effect could be reduced in duration, but increased in potency. I also hope that the 3rd person animations for receiving such heavy blows would be a bit more exaggerated. Though, it is difficult to ascertain if this isn't already the case due to a powerful character for the purpose of the demo.