First off, why? Secondly, I find it hilariously ironic that your second sentence is sarcastic, and yet on many threads, about many different issues, you have stated that you won't buy Skyrim if it doesn't have this or that. You seem to be a very hard person to please, Xarnac, and also more concerned with your own interests for playing TES, than anyone else's. To be fair, we are all like that to some extent, but you take it to an extreme. Would it bother you to be able to see your legs in Skyrim, even though it is great for tons of other people? I don't see the problem. :confused:
Why would I want an ES game without Spell making, acrobatics(really, just the ability to jump high), or hand to hand/unarmed, three big gameplay mechanics verse three dinky aesthetic things? I wont buy Skyrim if they dont have these. Those three things are the only things I've said that about. Three things that have been in almost every TES game. These are things that just I want? These things are some abstract features out of the blue? No, these things are wanted by the masses and need to be in Skyrim for me to buy it. I'll just go back to previous ES games, or buy a gaming PC and mod Skyrim if they are out. Three pointless little features, compared to three big gameplay mechanics.
I dont care about seeing my legs unless I'm kicking. I dont care about seeing my breath and the helmet idea isnt very interesting either.